Be careful who you give your money too

PS: I’m going to exclude Targeted Justice from this post, because they are doing a lot of good work around the Class Action Lawsuit. Their work speaks volumes and they can be found by clicking this link:

I see the same game playing each year and several TIs getting caught in this game. First and foremost, do not give your money to people who profess to be advocating for TIs. It’s a scam!

They have been operating for years claiming to be helping Targeted Individuals, but they are working on our vulnerabilities. They form.these TI organizations just so they can suck what ever little life we have left.

So you want to treat what they are offering as a scam. At the end, you will not only save your resources for more important needs, you would be securing whatever dignity you have left.

Anyway, instead of giving your money to these TIs organizations that haven’t proven themselves, take that money and start you a business. I would be giving more details later how this could be accomplished.

With that said, the perpetrators.(which is also what these TI organizations), prey on as victims. They would have other sup our problems up and than have others to get us to believe that something is being done.

They would randomly request information from you The information that you provide is not about recognizing you as a victim, but to add you to their coffers as an experiment subject.

The more victims who respond, the more victims who are enlisting themselves in the coffers of the organizations claiming to be your advocate.

Out of all my 15 years of being a TI, not once have I seen anyone getting anything out of submitting their information to these organizations.

All you doing when you submit information to them, you are giving them permission to make you into more a research subject than you already are.

Anyhow, instead of collaborating with these TI organizations, document and live your life as a non TI. Because the basis of this criminal organization is for you to focus on your victimhood and seek out others you perceived as TIs like like as confirmation and support.

But there is really no way of knowing if the person or people that you are dealing with are actual TI..And what I had figured out a long time ago, they are indeed perpetrators.

Because it is much easier to find these individuals seeking support than dealing with everyday people. But the criminal program is structured to have you believe this, just so the criminal organization could lock you into a false reality. And the next thing you know it, all these precious years of being coached by what you later find to be perpetrators, result in so much productive life being wasted.

Life Changing Motivation For Targeted Individuals

When i first came on the scene as a Targeted Individual I sought support from organizations like Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance. But I immediately realized that was a wrong direction to go upon listening to a few of their conference calls. There was absolutely no direction on to how to address our situation. This was 2008.

So at some point, I decided to start my own Conference call accompanied with my website. The focal point of this call would be Evidence Gathering.

Meanwhile, I had already had a plan to transition to an organization addressing actual solutions to our situation. But first TIs needed to have a notarized Affidavit to join. I had assisted several TIs to write these Affidavits, which required many man hours of my time.

The result was one meet, which no one wanted to take a leadership role, so the organization never got off the ground.

So after doing about a year of conference calls 2010, I decided it was best to focus on what works for me. However, the idea of developing a Save House community, counter-active measures concerning the technology and reaching out to legislators never left my mind.

But having a plan without the people behind such a plan means that it would never get off the ground. There are various conditions that makes it difficult for anything that would benefit us impossible.

For one, the TI community is heavily infiltrated, both internally and externally. Internally, they are being heavily manipulated by the technology. And externally, they many perpetrators fabricating themselves as Targeted Individuals.

So the best you would get from them is constant complaints by who is targeting them and why their lives are horrible. And when you present them with a solution, they bark at it, saying it would never work.

But they have no idea it is a condition being placed upon them to keep them and other like them captive in this criminal problem.

The other issue is most who understand this, began to live in isolation like myself. It has became an artificial coping mechanism that gets worse overtime.

So I have came to the realization that staying isolated just allows them to attach more tech on you. So although your life is stress free, your targeting becomes worse overtime.

But TIs aren’t the right people to be connected to. They will have you believe that your life is pointless with the perpetrators targeting you. Meanwhile, as you continue to address the perpetrator program, your life continues to slip by.

There is no worse life than to focus on something that is not going to enhance your life anyway. All you can do is go down, because surely you won’t go up!

Believe it or not, even though I have been stagnant with the targeting program. I have been making some strives. But it has taken sometime to break out of this complacent nature and turn it into something more positive.

We all have to embed in our minds is that the reason why they target us, because they want us to be poor, depress and hopeless with no life!

I know it is difficult at times to be around people, because of all the perpetrators or the way the system uses people to be perpetrators, but you have to live your life regardless.

Like start a business, go to trade school or college. Or even get a job that doesn’t allow you to be around people all the time.

But please, please, please, don’t feel sorry for yourself, because you only have you! And you don’t want to be in this mindset 10 years from now thinking somebody care or going to help you.

If that was the case, the targeting program wouldn’t exist today or yesterday. But there are too many individuals being rewarded for targeting us, so please don’t expect nothing from the public. Because they are just an app away from clicking that pay button.

Important: Targeted Justice Files Urgent Motion

Today, Targeted Justice filed an urgent Motion with the U.S. District Court in Texas.

We requested that the Court order the FBI to REMOVE ALL Targeted Individuals (Non-Investigative Subjects) from the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) that is distributed to over 18,000 government, corporate, private and foreign contacts. If the Court takes it up, we believe there are approximately 6 million Targeted Individuals worldwide that would be affected by this order.This is called a Preliminary Injunction.

We provided compelling information that irreparable harm was occurring, including the targeting and torture of children. We provided evidence that the FBI knew that children were included in the TSDB. How does the FBI explain to a Court, that a 3 year-old child is a threat to National Security? And yet, there are numerous children that are listed on the TSDB.We intend to stop these outrageous crimes being committed by the FBI, DOJ, and DHS.

You can read our 24 page Motion on our Home page Source:

The next step we anticipate, is that the Department of Justice will file numerous Motions to try to dismiss our case. We are fully prepared to answer and defeat their Motions.

Please remember that TJ cannot predict the outcome of any lawsuit or Motion.

Please consider a donation to Targeted Justice.



Related Images:

Targeted Justice Newsletter: The TSDB Never Stopped An Act Of Terrorism

Source: Targeted Justice Website

The FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) in Vienna, Virginia. If you are a Targeted Individual – the computers here hold all of your personal and confidential information. It is Unconstitutional.

FBI Agents in the Elhady v. Kable case admitted that they were unaware of a single act of terrorism halted due to the TSDB.

DHS Customs and Border Protection admitted that it has never publicly identified an act of terrorism that the TSDB helped prevent.

So why does the U.S. government continue to use a list that has failed its only purpose?

According to the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) “Redress Operating Procedures Manual,” the TSDB is a sensitive but unclassified database and does not contain any derogatory information.

The FBI’s reckless approval of nominations to the TSDB results in the inclusion of an estimated 98.9% of the people nominated to it. They reject only 1% of the nominations – Does that sound like a verification process?

Former Deputy FBI Director Timothy P. Groh stated under penalty of perjury that there were approximately 1.16 million persons in the TSDB and that only approximately 0.5% (fewer than 5,000) of those were US persons. Let’s see if the numbers add up?

Under penalty of perjury in the Elhady case, the FBI submitted the table below. When subtracting the ‘additions’ and ‘rejections’ to the number of nominations, there is a large number that remains unaccounted for. Where did they go?

Terrorist Screening Center Database (TSDB)

The contradictions between official government sources regarding the TSDB’s records are obvious. And the numbers do not add up.

The Department of Justice’s Office of The Inspector General’s, May 2009 Audit Report 09-25 “The Federal Bureau Of Investigation’s Terrorist TSDB Nomination Practices” found that 35% of the nominations to the lists were outdated, many people were not removed in a timely manner, and tens of thousands of names were placed on the list without an adequate factual basis.

If you were a Judge, would you allow this list to continue violating U.S. citizens Constitutional Rights?

Ref: Elhady v. Piehota, 303 F. Supp.3d 453 (2017)

Related Images:


We now have more than 450 people registered.  Anyone that is a Targeted Individual may register for the Lawsuit (this is different than becoming a member of Targeted Justice.)  If you are a foreign citizen, you can register for the Lawsuit, however, we cannot guarantee that the U.S. Court will allow foreign citizens – but we are going to try.

In Europe, Melanie Vritschan is forming a Class Action Lawsuit:  
melanie.vritschan [at]

To participate in our lawsuit, you will need to provide your full contact information and answer all 11 questions, truthfully.  The court needs to know that you are a real person.

By registering, you agree to allow Targeted Justice to submit your name and information to the court.  You further agree to hold Targeted Justice harmless, for our efforts.  

We welcome your comments and suggestions on our strategy, however, we will not be sharing our strategy decisions for obvious reasons.

You will receive an email confirming that you are registered.  If you do not, then your email may have been blocked – please try again from a different email.   Or use a public library computer, if possible.

If you have already registered, please start organizing your evidence.  We cannot organize your evidence for you. 

DO NOT submit any evidence to us yet.  When the lawyers need it, we will ask you to submit your organized evidence. 
              1)   Gangstalking evidence
              2)  DEW evidence
              3)  V2K evidence
              4)  Implant evidence
              5)  Medical evidence
              6)  Other evidence

No Judge will accept your email address, as your identification.
Please send your full legal name, full legal address, email, and phone number to:

Answer the 11 questions here (9 attributes and 2 events).

Please list the attributes and state whether or not you experience them.  In a group lawsuit, there must be similar experience/conditions.  But it does not have to be exactly the same.

This is the list compiled by Dr Beatrice Golomb, M.D., PhD:

Common experience:
1)  sleep problems
2)  headaches
3)  cognitive issues (memory & concentration)
4)  irritability
5)  nervousness or anxiety
6)  dizziness and tinnitus (ringing in ears)
7)  auditory symptoms (V2K)
8)  brain imaging fits reports for Radio Frequency/Microwave radiation & shows evidence of traumatic brain injury, without a concussion event. (Have you had an MRI, and when was it done?)  

9)  Do you have any implants or chips, that you are aware of?  If yes, please briefly describe.

Question 10)  Have you experienced Directed Energy Weapon attacks?
Question 11)  Have you experienced gangstalking or organized stalking?

Click HERE

Dr. Nick Begich: The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul

The Living Well Show presents a two part interview with Dr. Nick Begich. Dr. Begich co-authored Angels Don’t Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. He also authored Earth Rising – The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and his latest book Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul both with the late James Roderick. His latest work and the subject of this interview is Controlling the Human Mind – The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. In his article Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World, Dr. Begich states “The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitioners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the last decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant results. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it will continue to proceed.” Dr. Begich shares with us some the these startling discoveries and discusses their implications for our future. In revealing the promise for enhanced human evolution vs. the potential for manipulation of human behavior through the developing technologies in ‘mind control’ – Dr. Nick Begich presents us with a clear choice, and a challenge to stay aware!

Coast to Coast

Video: Zombies Of Haarp

Delores Hall The MASTER MANIPULATOR and EXPERT Con Artist

Delores Hall, Delores Yvonne Hall, DeDe Hall,
Delores Yvonne Moore Hall

She had no problem finding someone to drive this vehicle for her! Meanwhile, she begged me to come to her home all the way from Fayetteville, North Carolina. Which no only uprooted my life, but it cost me dearly. But to make matters worse! She became a handler for a perpetrator at the Enterprise Rental branch she rented the car.

But how she got her insurer for paying for the vehicle, was by making them believe that they were mold in her car at the auto dealer that servicing her Honda . The result was getting one of the employees fired.

There’s more, but I have something to do at the moment.

報告相談 Insights on Perpetrator Technology & Tactics P6 End

Next, I’d like to provide information, countermeasures, knowledge, and ideas for solving technology crimes.

▼Explain the risk of technology crime to local neighborhood associations, residents’ associations, residents, citizens, and citizen groups from the other party’s perspective and solicit proponents.

* I think that it is effective to just provide information to the website of such as residents’ association,etc, inquiry form, and e-mail address in the publicity activity.

For example, what is caused by technology crime

■ The private life of residents is monitored by artificial satellites, satellite communication networks, remote sensing, radar waves, and abuse of technology, and eavesdropping and voyeurism occur frequently.

■Neighborhood trouble

Because the perpetrator can abuse V2K and microwave auditory effect technology to make hear false accusation, provocation, and threatening behavior from various directions to the target.

Voices  from the mouth and direction of neighbors, residents next to or above the apartment, residents on the lower floors, people walking, drivers driving, passengers such as buses and trains,and car horn from various directions etc. Because it can be misunderstood as if the sound of is being generated.

(Actually, the perpetrator is abusing amateur satellites, microwave auditory effect technology, and V2K from inside a remote building.)

Because the target also misunderstands the perpetrator and decides, causing trouble.

In rare cases, the perpetrator abuses the microwave auditory effect technology against the target and actually amplifies the volume of human voices and car horns from the vicinity to mix V2K or actual voices and sounds. It seems that it may be confusing and difficult to judge and isolate.

■Technology crime occurre in which an electromagnetic wave, microwave, radiation, X-ray, or gamma-ray attack on a pregnant fetus causes the fetus to miscarriage, stillbirth, or cause cell or chromosomal abnormalities or congenital abnormalities.

■Technology crime causes wiretapping, voyeurism, peeping of elementary school girls, junior high school students, high school girls, and college girls, and remote sexual crimes against women living alone.

■It is said that victims, including many women, are forced to commit suicide or are killed by crimes that abuse technology every year.

■There is a high possibility that remote abuse of technology has caused fights and conflicts among small, middle, high school, and university students.

■Murders between brothers and sisters, murders between families, and murders of elderly people in the home have been caused.

■Remote mind control that abuses technology induces fights, quarrels, affairs, and divorces between men and women and couples who are dating.

(Example: Abuse radio waves of several tens of Hz to 100 Hz used in medical treatment and hundreds of Hz used in electrical stimulation therapy to excite sympathetic nerves, or send images / images via satellite uplink downlink. Reminiscent of various situations, creativity and image, stimulating emotions, voicing violence, sexually stimulating and inducing cheating, alcohol addiction, smoking, gambling Drowning, going to a sex shop, debt work such as purchasing high-priced products such as cars and houses, participating in crimes, etc.)

■Explain the risk of technology crime to local kindergartens, parents’ associations, elementary schools, children’s associations, junior high and high school PTAs and parents, university supporters’ associations, university circles, local SMEs, presidents, and office workers and recruiting supporters.

* I think that it is effective to provide information to each site such as school and company, inquiry form, and e-mail address in the publicity activity.

There are cases where parents of children are being monitored or victims of crime due to remote technology abuse.

■An accident has occurred in which an elementary school student who is going to and from school is involved in a runaway driving of a car that is a victim of a technology crime and dies.

There is a possibility that an accident has been caused in which a student going to and from school is attacked by a victim of a technology crime.

There is a possibility that an accident has occurred in which a student in the school is attacked by a victim of a technology crime.

There is a high possibility that the student’s appearance, personal life, and private life in the school are being monitored or eavesdropped.

There is a high possibility that teachers and principals are being monitored or eavesdropped on their work, personal life, and private life.

The stabbed murder of a female college student has been triggered

An accident has occurred in which a student on his way home is attacked by a victim of a technology crime while commuting to school.

There is a possibility that an accident has been caused in which a student in the university is attacked by a victim of a technology crime.

There is a high possibility that the student’s appearance, personal life, and private life in the university are being monitored or eavesdropped.

There is a high possibility that the professors and presidents are being monitored or eavesdropped on their work, personal life, and private life.

There is a high possibility that the office room of the university and the clerks are being monitored or eavesdropped.

There is a high possibility that the activities of the student circle and the behavior outside the university are monitored or eavesdropped.

For example, there is a risk that a company’s business partners, customer information, confidential information, intellectual property, trade secrets may be leaked, or employees or company misconduct may be roughly searched for due to remote technology abuse.

There is a high possibility that an accident has occurred that is causing scandals to company employees due to remote technology abuse.

■Inform members of the local and prefectural governments, members of the House of Representatives, and members of the Diet that they can support them together with their supporters and voters (helping in voting and election campaigns, volunteers, etc.).

And they will have activities and policies to eliminate high-tech technology crime.

Also explain the risk of technology crime from the perspective of the other party.

Example: The perpetrator is likely to use satellites to remotely abuse technology to eavesdrop and voyeur in the office of a member of the Diet, monitor private life, peep, collect confidential information, scandals, etc.

■ Tell the diplomatic friendly countries and countries’ diplomatic departments, trade departments, intelligence agencies, leaders, supporting political parties and supporters that you can cooperate in diplomatic and trade policies.

Example: Being able to propose cooperative diplomatic and trade policy proposals together with supporters and voters to domestic parliamentarians and governments.

And you would like to ask for cooperation and support to eliminate technology crimes occurring in Japan and around the world.

And explain the risk of technology crime from the other person’s perspective.

Example: Perpetrators are likely to use satellites to remotely abuse technology to eavesdrop and voyeur in provinces, buildings, offices, monitor private life, peep, collect confidential information, scandals, etc. case.

■When disseminating information about technology crimes to the world, make plain clothes and suits clean and modern as much as possible so that they can be accepted by a wide range of generations and the world, from children to the elderly.

(Example: newscaster,announcer, politician, etc.)

Also, by doing so, you will make people want to participate in and cooperate .

■If possible, cooperate with men and women in their twenties and thirties who are in the modern fashion to think about group names and websites, naming and keywords, words, sentences, expressions, expression techniques, etc.

Or, consider the position of the other party and ask a specialized PR company that can cooperate while keeping it secret.

(When the company requesting cooperation seems to want to refrain from cooperating openly, etc.)

Also, by doing so, you will make people want to participate in and cooperate with the activities to raise awareness of technology crime.

■Go to church

(For example, in memory of the deceased, to unite with victims, groups, related parties, and supporters nationwide, to further strengthen publicity activities and spread them to the world)

Tell the current situation to the priest.

to donate.

Go to church and mourn the dead victims.

You mourn the victims, bereaved families, groups, officials, and supporters from all over the country who went to church and died.

■Visit shrines and temples.

For example, chanting sutras to those who have died and Purify against the world’s technology crimes.

Because to unite with victims, groups, related parties, and supporters nationwide to further strengthen publicity activities and spread them to the world.

Inform the priest and priest of the current state of technology crime.

Make donations and donations.

Purify yourself against being attacked and against public technology crimes.

Go to the temple and chant the sutras to the deceased victims.

Visit shrines and temples all over the country with victims, groups, people concerned, and supporters all over the country to Purify for technology crimes of themselves and the world.

You will chant to the victims who have died in the attacks and damages of technology crimes so far.

Providing information to alumni associations such as the university where the judge came from and the Faculty of Law.

I think it makes sense just to provide information to the email address listed on the alumni association site.

■Provide information to police, prosecutors, politicians, local governments, ministries, corporate staff and employees’ home universities and high school alumni associations in the prefectures, cities, wards, towns and villages where the victims live.

I think it makes sense just to provide information to the email address listed on the alumni association site.

■Report to the perpetrator’s siblings, parents, children, neighborhood, countryside, relatives, etc.

Example: If you know the perpetrator’s information, ask a detective company, a detective agency, a research company, etc. to investigate the address of the perpetrator’s brother, parents, children, countryside, relatives, etc.

■Develop negative campaigns against perpetrators and technology crimes

■Suspect that the perpetrator is mentally ill, psychopathic, or mentally and physically abnormal

For example, using V2K all the time, day and night, talking and talking.

Abnormal aggression, relentlessness, and desire for control.

Being an antisocial personality that robs the public interest and social welfare.

Outrageous, sneaky, cowardly, well-prepared, malicious and planned crime

If the perpetrator of the technology crime, who is the person who is causing the accident, is arrested in the future,

Together with residents, citizens, politicians, police and prosecutors, you will promote the perpetrators to undergo a psychological examination to determine whether the perpetrators themselves are responsible.

■The law allows private arrest only for the arrest of the current offender. It is said that the current criminal can be arrested not only by judicial police officers but also by any number of people (general people or anyone) without an arrest warrant (Criminal Procedure Code).

This is because the current criminal is actually committing or has just finished committing the crime, so it is highly necessary to arrest him and secure himself, and there is no risk of false arrest.

For example, pay a large amount of reward to an internal collaborator, have a technology criminal arrested for the current offense, and report it to the police.

■Recruit internal collaborators to whistle-blower technology criminals or arrest technology criminals privately.

And you will set a precedent for the arrest and prosecution of technology criminals, civil proceedings, and payment of compensation, and make it known to the world and change it into a world where the technology crimes are cracked down.

And give a reward to the collaborators.

■Create a base or center to consolidate information provision.

Aggregate perpetrator information and victim information at the center.

If you can identify the criminal by collating the perpetrator and the victim information, you will accuse the criminal to the police and the prosecution.

When collecting information on the perpetrator, the background, period, location, perpetrator information, method, (from the information provided by the perpetrator, the satellite aircraft name, supplier and manufacturer, operation, operation method, etc. Altitude, longitude, latitude, radio frequency used, etc.) Collect evidence of images, sound recordings, video recordings, screen captures, etc.

In addition, you will ask how much the victim can give a reward to the informant and the collaborator, and present the amount on the net and video site to solicit the perpetrator information.

■If the criminal is not arrested and prosecuted and is not legally or socially liable despite collecting evidence and prosecuting, rent a satellite from an artificial satellite leasing company as in the previous email. Use radar waves and human body search radar to identify the criminal in the building for the criminal who was found and stop the technology crime using V2K and microwave auditory effect technology for the criminal.

If the perpetrator does not respond to the stop, you will send 144MHz band / 430MHz band radio waves to the Yagi antenna or parabolic antenna attached to the building that the perpetrator seems to be using and suppress communication.

Also, if you can hear information about the person who is instructing the attack from the perpetrator of the technology crime with V2K etc., or if you can not talk about the person who is instructing the attack, use BMI, BCI from here. Repeat the question and collect the information of the person who is instructing the attack from the thought information of the criminal.

You make an electromagnetic wave attack on the perpetrator of a technology crime or the person who is directing the attack and ask you to stop the technology attack.

■Or try asking for cooperation from a company that has already rented a satellite or an individual who operates it.

It seems that there are companies that actually provide artificial satellite leasing and lending services for about 200,000 to 300,000 yen per month. (Interview with the perpetrator)

When consulting with affiliated companies and companies of machinery and communication equipment whether it is possible to lease or rent artificial satellites with the same functions and performance as the artificial satellites used by the perpetrators, about 1 or 2 out of 100 cases are negotiated. There seems to be a company that responds to.

Although it launched an artificial satellite, it is said that there is an artificial satellite that is not used much.

■Regarding the operating costs of artificial satellites, you will operate with annual membership fees, donations, donations, support funds, etc. from those who are under attack, cooperators, and supporters.

Actually, in my case, the satellite operated by the perpetrator is a satellite owned by an organization or association (some Buddhist organizations) to which the perpetrator is a member (perpetrator talk).

■As a last resort, you will recruit people who can operate artificial satellites on domestic and overseas SNS, bulletin boards, etc., and ask for countermeasures and cooperation against technology crimes, including negotiation of the amount.

And you ask the perpetrator to stop the technology attack, if the perpetrator does not stop the attack, you make an electromagnetic attack on the perpetrator and ask the perpetrator to stop the attack.

■Suggest to post a video about the technology crime to a popular YouTuber

The proposing side will be the content that leads to the public interest, and the uploading side will be the content that will lead to the profit.

Suggest uploading in various genres (example. suspense, horror, thriller, action, science fiction, drama, documentary ,, comedy, gag, etc.)

Utilize subtitles in various languages around the world.

■Do not believe that all information about specific religious corporations, organizations, races, etc. as perpetrators of technology crimes written on the Internet is true

Even if it is a fact, it may be a part of it, it may have been expanded, and it may have tail fins and feather fins.

On the contrary, I think that the solution will be accelerated by promoting constructive response with the perpetrator’s group and forming a cooperative relationship.

On the contrary, I think it is one of the things to think that the solution will be accelerated by promoting constructive response with the perpetrator’s group and forming a cooperative relationship.

If the perpetrator, the organization to which he belongs, or the organization is known, the perpetrator or the person who is instructing the organization or organization to which he belongs, etc., along with evidence and testimony, etc. Consider converting the negligence rate to seek trial,judgment or justice and treatment within the organization.

Also, try to build a cooperative relationship with the organization to which the perpetrator belongs as much as possible.

Please share the information with the people concerned.

報告相談 Insights on Perpetrator Technology & Tactics P5

Next, I would like to introduce the contact points for reporting and reporting for solving technology crimes.

Report destinations other than police and communication stations

▼Environmental Bureau and Environmental Conservation Section of prefectures, cities, wards, towns and villages

It is good to report here about abnormal values of radiation and electromagnetic waves.

Similarly, I think it is better to explain mainly that it is an environmental problem that the abnormal values of radiation and electromagnetic waves can be confirmed without explaining the technology crime-oriented and the existence of the perpetrator.

It would also be effective to report on issues such as noise caused by group stalker trucks, large cargo, large vehicles, and large special vehicles.

I think there are some differences depending on the ordinances of prefectures, cities, wards, towns and villages, but for example, there are certain restrictions on the generation of noise that significantly disturbs the sleep of others between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am. It is good to consult with that as well.

Also, regarding noise, if you explain the existence of the perpetrator, you may end up with guidance to the police, so I think it is better to explain mainly that it is an environmental problem.

▼Or the nearest Ministry of the Environment office

I also confirmed that I was able to confirm values of 0.27 μsv / h or more using a radiation measuring instrument (Geiger counter) and that I confirmed values of electric field 500 V / m or more and magnetic field 40 μT (micro tesla) or more with an electromagnetic wave measuring instrument. When I made the report, the final answer was “I can’t investigate here, but I will share it within the ministry.”

Again, I think it would be good to explain mainly that it is an environmental problem that the abnormal values of radiation and electromagnetic waves can be confirmed without explaining the technology crime-oriented and the existence of the perpetrator.

▼Health and Environment Centers of prefectures, cities, wards, towns and villages

It is good to report the abnormal value of radiation here.

Similarly, I think it is better to explain mainly that it is an environmental problem that the abnormal values of radiation and electromagnetic waves can be confirmed without explaining the technology crime-oriented and the existence of the perpetrator.

▼Other R & D institutions and organizations investigating radiation

I think you should report in the same way as above.

▼The power safety section of the regulatory agency that is investigating electromagnetic waves generated from power equipment such as utility poles and power transmission lines, and the nearest power company.

If you use the MagnaAR application and the electromagnetic waves are coming from a certain direction of a nearby utility pole, you may be able to investigate by notifying the power safety section of the nearest regulatory agency or the power company.

In my case, I contacted the nearest electric power company and the network equipment company of the group and they actually came to investigate.

Again, I think it is better to explain mainly that the abnormal value of electromagnetic waves can be confirmed from the direction of the utility pole, without explaining the technology crime-oriented or the existence of the perpetrator.

▼Regulatory agency and institution that researches and researches the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body and health

If it is difficult to explain with a technology crime approach and respond, it is an environmental problem that another person can confirm the abnormal value of electromagnetic waves and radiation without explaining the existence of the perpetrator. Isn’t it good to explain in the center?

▼Institutions and organizations studying cancer

I think it would be good to provide information here that cancer cells are induced by attacks that abuse radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays by technology crimes.

It may be effective to provide information on specific perpetrators and methods.

▼Psychiatric Society, Neuroscience, and Psychological Society promoting BMI Code of Ethics 3 Standards

BMI Code of Ethics 3 Standards

1. Clarification of legal liability for accidents and incidents caused by BMI operation (responsibility for action)

2. Protection of read brain information, prevention of unauthorized access to the brain (personal information protection)

3. Fostering ethical norms and promoting social acceptance based on accurate and prompt disclosure of technical information (social enlightenment)

I think it would be good to provide information on the perpetrators and specific methods here.

▼Regulators and ministries promoting the BMI Code of Ethics 3 Standards

If you provide specific information, you can expect the effect in the future.

▼University professors and research institutes promoting the BMI Code of Ethics 3 Standards

Also,If you provide specific information, you can expect the effect in the future.

▼Organization conducting research and development related to medical care

Here, cancer cells are induced by medical science and technology, abuse of BMI, BCI, and attacks using radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays by technology crimes.

And by misuse of radio waves of several Hz to 90 Hz for therapeutic purposes used in medical treatment and radio waves of tens to hundreds of Hz for electrical stimulation therapy used for paralysis and rehabilitation of arms, legs, voice bands, etc.

I think it would be good to provide information on the fact that the induction of mental and brain diseases and the induction to hospitals and psychiatry are occurring frequently in the world.

報告相談 Insights on Perpetrator Technology & Tactics P4

I’d like to continue to send.I’d like to to report the discovery of international treaties and legislation that may be related to or in conflict with technology crimes, high-tech crimes, and high-tech attacks that abuse satellites.

In particular, the principle of peaceful use under the Outer Space Treaty, the permission system for satellite management under the Space Activity Law, the Land Remote Sensing Policy Law, which is a law related to remote sensing, the permission system for the use of satellite remote sensing devices, measures to prevent unauthorized use, etc,

Measures to prevent the use of unauthorized persons, satellite remote sensing record holders as an obligation of satellite remote sensing record holders are high except for those who have been certified by this law and when they are carried out by an appropriate method to a specific handling organization. The rule that the satellite remote sensing recording of resolution should not be provided,

regarding satellite remote sensing records, the provider is limited to certified persons or specific handling organizations,

In addition, remote sensing technology on satellites, monitoring and peeping of people outside and inside buildings that abuse radar waves, and illegal acquisition of thinking, sight, hearing, and biometric information that abuses BMI and BCI also violate laws and regulations. It seems that it is.

▼Outer Space Treaty
Freedom to explore and use outer space

It is stipulated in Article 1. The exploration and utilization of outer space, including celestial bodies, is freely carried out by all humankind “for the benefit of all nations” and “according to international law.”

Prohibition of territory

Provided in Article 2. No nation can claim sovereignty over outer space, including celestial bodies.

Principle of peaceful use

Provided in Article 4. Objects carrying weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons (missile satellites, etc.) must not be placed in orbit around the earth or deployed in outer space.

Also, the moon and other celestial bodies are used exclusively for peaceful purposes, and military use is prohibited at all.

Principle of concentration of responsibility on the nation

Provided in Articles 6 and 7. Regardless of whether the space activity is carried out by a government agency or a non-governmental organization, the state bears international responsibility for the activities carried out by its own country.

If a launched space object causes damage to another country, the launching country will be liable for infinite liability.

※I think the governments of each country are leading the treaties and statutes.

Screen captures and recorded videos, photos, recordings, testimonies, etc. of personal computers, computers, software for satellite operation management systems, BMI, BCI, software for biometric information analysis, etc. that will be used for crimes by providing information in the future If the evidence is gathered and reported, I think it will be dealt with.

▼Space Activity Law
Relationship with the Outer Space Treaty

Article 6 of the Outer Space Treaty stipulates that “the activities of non-governmental organizations in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, require the permission and continuous supervision of the parties concerned with the Treaty.”

Space activities by private organizations are permitted and require continuous supervision by the state. The Space Activities Act was created to meet the demands of the Outer Space Treaty.

Launch permission system

Permission system for satellite management

Even if the artificial satellite is successfully launched, it does not mean that anyone can manage it, and permission is required to manage the artificial satellite.

Also, when re-entry a satellite that has finished its role, it must be safe and consistent with the treaty.

Third party damages

It is easy to imagine that if a rocket falls into an urban area, it will cause terrible damage.

Under the Space Activities Act, the responsibility for accidents caused by launches is concentrated on the launchers, and they are liable for negligence (even if they are careful).

This is to help those who are not blamed for the damage caused by the accident.

However, when such heavy responsibility is involved, it may undermine the spirit of challenge of business operators and may adversely affect space development.

Therefore, the responsibility of the business operator is covered by insurance, and the government covers a part of the part that cannot be covered by insurance.

■Other penalties, etc.

Penal provisions are stipulated in Article 60 for those who commit acts that violate this law.

For example, if a launch or artificial satellite management is performed without obtaining the above-mentioned various permits, “imprisonment of up to 3 years, a fine of up to 3 million yen, or both”

Will be done.

▼Laws related to remote sensing

Example: Land Remote Sensing Policy Law

* Remote sensing is a technology that “examines without touching objects”.

There are various types of remote sensing, but satellite remote sensing is the process of mounting a dedicated measuring instrument (sensor) on an artificial satellite and examining (observing) the earth.

Sensors mounted (mounted) on satellites observe electromagnetic waves that are reflected from the oceans, forests, cities, clouds, etc. on the earth and that they emit. The following can be seen from the observation results.

Measuring plants Deforestation, desertification, crops (paddy fields)

Heat island phenomenon that measures the temperature of the earth’s surface

Kuroshio meandering to measure sea surface temperature, El Nino phenomenon, fishing ground prediction

Creating a map to measure the height of the earth’s surface

Weather forecast to measure cloud condition, rain intensity, internal condition of typhoon

Measure the water situation The amount of water stored in the dam and the damage situation of the flood

It is a law regarding the handling of data obtained by devices mounted on artificial satellites.

While satellite data is expected to be used in a wide range of fields such as agriculture, disaster prevention, and social infrastructure development, it has been necessary to develop a mechanism to prevent misuse.

Therefore, in order to ensure proper handling, the following three points are largely disciplined.

1. Permit system for using satellite remote sensing equipment

2. Obligation of satellite remote sensing record holder

3. Certification of a person who handles satellite remote sensing records

I’d like to introduce the outline of the three disciplines at once.

(1) Permit system for using satellite remote sensing equipment

The use of high-resolution satellite remote sensing equipment is permitted.

1. Unauthorized use prevention measures
2. Prohibition of use other than application receiving equipment
3. Stop outside the application track
4. Imposing obligations such as measures at the end of use

Under the Remote Sensing-related Law and the Land Remote Sensing Policy Law, anyone who intends to use a satellite remote sensing device using operating radio equipment must obtain permission for each satellite remote sensing device. It is stipulated that.

In other words, the users of satellite remote sensing equipment (mainly satellite manufacturers) are limited to those permitted by the country.

And the authorized person, the use prevention measures of the unauthorized person, the function stop when the device goes out of the assumed trajectory, the prohibition of use other than the receiving equipment related to the permission, the book recording of the usage status, the device termination measures, etc. Obligations are imposed.

However, the “satellite remote sensing device” here refers to a high-resolution satellite remote sensing device.

The object discrimination system is a high-performance system that is sufficient to grasp the movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft and other mobile facilities, and the national government has set the standard.

For example, in the case of standard data recorded by an optical sensor, the object discrimination accuracy is less than 25 centimeters.

And if it does not meet this standard, it will not be applied.

2. Obligation of satellite remote sensing record holder

The satellite remote sensing record holder shall not provide high-resolution satellite remote sensing records except to those who have been certified by this law or to a specific handling organization by an appropriate method.

The satellite remote sensing record is one of the records acquired by using the satellite remote sensing device, which may hinder the peace assurance of the international community by considering the object discrimination system, processing level, elapsed time from the recording, etc. Refers to those that meet the standards set by the government.

And, regarding the above-mentioned satellite remote sensing records, the provider is limited to the certified person or the specific handling organization.

When providing it, it is obligatory to confirm the certificate and take preventive measures against the acquisition and use of persons other than the other party by encryption.

In addition, there is an obligation to take necessary and appropriate measures against the leakage of records.

However, the satellite data here is intended for raw data or temporary processed data such as geometry processing, and is not applicable to high value-added data such as being able to be superimposed on a map. Yes, no permission is required for use.

Unlike raw data and temporary processing data, high value-added data is data that has been processed to some extent, so it is thought that the risk of misuse is eliminated.

Therefore, permission is not required for data that is sold or published.

However, depending on how it is used, it may conflict with privacy, copyright, etc., so it should be noted that this time, the Information Law and Intellectual Property Law will become a problem instead of the satellite Limosen Law.

3.Certification of a person who handles satellite remote sensing records

Those who handle satellite remote sensing records can be certified that they can properly handle satellite remote sensing records according to the classification of the records.

Those who handle satellite remote sensing records can be certified by the country as being recognized as being able to handle satellite remote sensing records properly.

And you need to submit an application to be certified.

Those who have been certified will be obliged to record the books regarding the handling status of satellite remote sensing records.

■ Other penalties, etc.

Penalties are also stipulated in this law. For example, if the satellite remote sensing record is provided to an uncertified person without the permission of the government, it is said that “the imprisonment for up to 3 years, the fine of up to 1 million yen, or both” will be imposed.

In addition to the above, human rights violations of the national constitution,Prefectural and municipal nuisance prevention regulations,

Stoker regulation law,Criminal law murder preliminary crime, suicide involvement attempted crime, suicide incitement attempted crime, suicide aiding attempted crime,

forcible obstruction of business,Intimidation, injury charges, unfair competition prevention law violations,

(Illegal collection of company confidential information, business partners, customer information, intellectual property, etc. by remotely misusing technologies such as BMI and BCI)

Illegal acts of the Civil Code (when physically or mentally damaged, liability for damages arises or accompanies)

Default of the Civil Code (when there is some kind of contractual relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, for example, employment contract, sale, lease, etc.)

Violation of the Radio Law

Opening a radio station A person who intends to open a radio station must obtain a license from the regulatory agency.

Operation of radio equipment of amateur radio stations

The operation of radio equipment of amateur radio stations must be performed only by radio operators, as provided for in the next article.

A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than 1 million yen.(in Japan’s case)

A person who has established a radio station without a license (omitted) under the Radio Law.

A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by a fine of not more than 300,000 yen.(in Japan’s case)

Persons who violated the rules for operating radio equipment of amateur radio stations.

It seems that the above applies or conflicts.

Please share it with the people concerned and make use of it.