Extremely attacked on my genitals is directly connected to their inability to conducted these unconsenting experiments on my body. I have taken several pictures indicating the damage.
The attacks were coming from the downstairs apartment and satellite(s). It was continuous throughout the day.
I was also attacked in my eyes, but later found that they were loosing control of the visual connection that allows them to see what I see.
The contamination of my water and food sources is directly connected with these non-consenting experiments and if it was stopped, the ability to conduct these experiemnts would cease to exist.
This is why large pools of criminal fractions (gang stalkers) are illicit to contaminate water and food sources.
This is why they elect family members to carry out this agenda.
One such family is my Uncle’s wife. She is very connected with this agenda.
Upon eating the food, my eyes were no longer being “attacked”. As I say earlier, my eyes is a visual cortex to these criminals seeing the world through my eyes. It is a what