Jeff MARK Murray TI killed in South Carolina

I just got news from PACTS newsletter that Jeff Murray was killed during an altercation with police and a cyclist.

Please confirm.

I’ve been out the loop for a while.

Me and Jeff go.way back to about 2011. He was a brief board member of a new organization that i.waa forming. I have assisted him in writing an Affidavit for him and he was a regular member on my prayer calls.

He “was” from New Hampshire, but have been living in South Carolina since I knew him (2010).

As you know, I’m.really upset about the “decease” of Jeff Murray, because I have worked with him in the past. But I’m not surprised by what took place that lead to his passing.

As a Targeted Individual, we are constantly bombarded by several individuals that we called perpetrators that mean harm to us. There scope of influence covers a large range of individuals which include government officials (police, fire, ems, city workers), private citizens (cyclists, joggers, homeowners, renters), delivery carriers (fedex, ups, usps), utilities companies, telecommunication companies, managers and employees of supermarkets, ect.

There isn’t (or very little) support base for targeted individuals to seek out help. From government officials to TI organizations, we are left to deal with the criminal control by ourselves. And you wonder the outcome that lead to this mayhem?

I’ve spoken to Jeff of years about the tactics the perpetrators use and who to look for. So he “was” very aware of what he did.

It is also known that cyclists, joggers and motorists are very heavily involved in our targeting. Because the engineers of this program know that we are likely to come across these individuals throughout the day.

Anyway, whether the cyclist knew what he was engaged in, I don’t know. But what I do know, they uses these individuals quite often.

So there are always consequences for the actions that each individual makes. In this instance, it was there lives.

Eventually the public will get knowledge of who are behind this electric grid and will collectively seek to.dismantle it and the people responsible for it. And as always the schemers of this program will write how awful the victim is. But this time, they would be no one dumb enough to listen to the criminal control, because everything will be out in the open.

5 thoughts on “Jeff MARK Murray TI killed in South Carolina

  1. His “sister” (I can’t confirm the relationship) contacted about a month after the incident occurred. The conversation was brief. But I was instructed to not follow up with his case. At the time, his body was still in south Carolina confirmed by the police authorities. The incident was new and under investigation.

    The harassment that Jeff was getting as other targeted individuals was 24/7. And some point, because no one was taking action to stop the harassment, Jeff lost his mind.

    But Jeff’s actions were legit and normal, because no one was listening and he did not want to continue to live under these conditions

    The information of targeting is everywhere. All you have to do is type targeted individuals and you will be swarm by websites talking about this subject. So why does it continue to happen?

    It continues to happen because is a money game to legitimize various agencies involved in securing the nation. And instead of protecting Americans, they harass us.

    Anyway, thank you for taking the time to contact me concerning Jeff Murray. We have been in communications at least 2010, when I spoke to him on my conference call. And I followed this with writing his affidavit.

  2. Jeff Murray was a friend and neighbor to me here in NH SINCE 1992. He was a very good friend, and strong in Faith. When he came to me in 2009 and described what was happening to him as a TI, at first I couldn’t understand. I said to him… Jeff, you’re just an average guy… who would want to disrupt your life… but then I got it! Of course! Who would ever believe? Well anyway, it forced him to move and I missed my friend, my walking buddy. But he’d always come to see me when he was back in NH. I’m so devastated by what’s happened to Jeff. I only found out as I did ot hear from him over the holidays. Has there been any more information?
    Please let me know… maybe his sister could contact me.
    I am heartsick.

  3. Mark Sweeney,

    Jeff Sister recently contacted me about her brother. She was notified by the police of Greenville SC. They told her that they are still investigating the incident involving her brother. They have his body and won’t release it until the investigation is completed. Meanwhile, she is upset and confused about what actually happened and want a resolution. I hope we can get a group of TIs together to provide support as she tries to put the pieces together. Thank you.

  4. Thank you Michael and I appreciate the work you are doing for the TI community. Loosing any TI to this criminal program is both painful and disheartening. But loosing Jeff in this way is troubling beyond words. However, he will be remember for his contribution and I won’t rest until he get his due day. Rest in God’s greatness!

  5. Please add me to any mailing list through which you might update this matter, and thanks for sharing (linkedin). Please use I’ve worked with some 12,000 Tis over several decades before forming the Free Will Society, and while things like this are thankfully rare, there are far too many lost to slow death by electronic torture or suicide. Of the 12,000, I’ve lost only three, but every one hits hard, even when there is no close personal tie as in your case. Prayers and condolences all around. Bless.

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