June 2012 Journal 2

6-15/16  Throughout the night into the morning I experienced a rapid heartbeat and an uncontrollable nervous system. I particularly felt the rapid heart attacks in the morning, which felt like a vibrating device was attached to my heart.

6-11/15  Fairway. The chicken that I consumed from this establishment had noticeable smart dust particles. My relative had been shopping at this business since I arrived in New York last week.

6-16  As I walked throughout the apartment I could hear someone downstairs. Oftentimes the perpetrators would be positioned in the apartment right below or above the targeted individual. This gives the perpetrator full range to the targeted individual. However, other perpetrators are positioned in apartments adjacent to me. There is also someone around the clock during the targeting from these locations.

6-16  Constant pulsing of the right shoulder blade, signaling of the left cheek of my face after showering. The chemicals push through the water system, malicious food contamination and building infiltration of perpetrators is the reason.

6-16/17  Went to sleep around 12A. Was woken around 3A with a rapid heartbeat and an uncontrollable nervous system. The attacks was so pervasive that I had to stand up. The signal attacks were coming from the apartment directly below me. I’m currently in a top floor apartment and the perpetrators have situated themselves in the surrounding apartments. The chemicals and nano tech being pushed through the water system happens every time I turn the facite on. I could hear how the water pressure changes. This happened before and is an exact duplicate of the last apartment that I stayed in NYC. How they manage to occupied these apartments is clueless to me, but I’m sure the tenant and super is cooperating with them. There is really no way to test the water pressure unless you have special equipment. I had thought about getting a filter to minimize the chemicals and nano tech coming through the piping system. It would assist greatly in reducing the attacks. I have written over a year ago how important it is to regulate having this filter systems being put in. This would effectly reduce these kind of crimes that many targeted individuals are experiencing. The chemicals and nano technology being pushed through the pipes is only one problem though. Another problem is the infiltration of businesses that sale food and drink. Often when I consumed these products, I can taste the chemicals and nano tech in them. So even if I am able to reduce the amount of nano tech and chemicals entering my body through the water system, it is almost imposible to limit it in the food/drink, unless I over cook or boil everything. Food that can’t be cook down will not be considered. Anyway, the building is “secured”. There is a camera on every floor and the front door is locked 24/7. However, these criminal individuals are able to setup in this building as if none of these safety measures doesn’t exist. I have seen these individuals coming out of the building and being noticed doesn’t seem to matter. Meanwhile, everyone who drinks the water is being infiltrated with the same chemicals and nano tech. All that needs to be done is a test of everyone to see how much of these chemicals they have in thier bodies. Their actions could be manipulated through the technology as well, which is why no one hardly complaining about anything anymore.

6-18  Department of Motor Vehicles. As I was sitting inside this facility, I felt electronic pulsing of my knees, lower legs, shoulder, rib cage and the right temple of my head. When I left, the attacks disappeared. The DMV is full of people who can attack the different parts of my body. I had eaten something that was contaminated and this is the reason. Anyway, I had to leave the facility.

6-18  Subway. I had to let several trains pass by because of the number of people in the cars. Generally a large number of people represent a large number of perpetrators. And usually the targeting is a lot worse. They might be a few perpetrators on the payroll, but the large majority of them are people being used for these terrorist attacks. The system of corrupt government have created this system to keep certain individuals controlled and dysfunctional.

6-18/19  Throughout the night into the morning I experienced a rapid heartbeat and an uncontrollable nervous system. When I stood up, I could feel the signals directed to my head. I could also feel vibrations on my legs as if electrical current was passing through it. The signals felt like they were coming through the floor, which means that these devices were setup on the ceiling in the apartment below me.

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