Homeless, Poor and Racial Minorities

The use of the homeless, the poor and racial minorities is very prominent in my targeting. This gives the impression that the purpose of the targeting is not economic and racially motivated. But that is all it has been for me.

When I wrote a letter to the Fayetteville, NC police chief and council members, it was about racial profiling stopping by the Fayetteville Police Department. I am African American. So it is not uncommon to see the use of African Americans as the main perpetrators.

However, their was a considerable white prepetrators when I was residing in the rural areas. And when I went to the west part of North Carolina (NC), I was confronted by confederate flags on top of vehicles and one particular person had a noose out of the window of a moving vehicle.

Besides, the targeting did start with a primary caucasion population, which tells me everything. It tells me they needed time to program these African descendant groups in their matrix system. This does not discount the fact that some of these groups are criminal in nature. But they are few and far between.

The targeting are very people focus until a certain point. They are only their to aide the primary perpetrators who operate from an entirely different location. The satellites and drones allows them this ability.