Radionics Session #5

Specialist Wrote:

Hi Chris,
Tonight’s session was a 1/2 hour broadcast and we worked on a number of
issues. I find myself doing a half-hour research before beginning the
session plus a 30 minutes to write up after so our half-hour session for me
is still 60 minutes. It would work better if we only deal with one or two
issues such as digestion and that would pretty much take up the full 30
minutes. For next time, lets narrow it down to the top 2 issues. You will
get more focus on them.

So this is what we did tonight:
We worked on your digestion and targeted the fact that your digestion is the
repository for the implants and so I sealed your digestive tract from the
implants finding your digestion is a target.

We  also worked on the bee stingy feelings and on your feet.

We worked on detoxifying and revitalizing the gastrointestinal track and the
third chakra,

We worked on seven levels of the auric layers and di an aura body balancing
and aura repair which represented probably close to 30 different settings.

We also worked on your adrenals, sinuses and head

We did some settings on fatigue and stress to the adrenals and thyroid.

We did a cleanse on the bacterial strains that are causing harm to you. The
words that I was to used  was “and let this be resolved”.

We worked on a realignment of the spine, specifically the Thoracic disc #6 –
that leads to the stomach.

We did a balance on the body’s acid and alkalinity. We also did an alkaline

We also worked on the miasms ( they are like chi energy lines in your body)
that carry dis-ease and vulnerability.

We  reset your lymphatic  functions and also removed the propensity for
implants to occur.

I gave you a dose of colloidal silver and I also put some of the solution in
the actual broadcast mechanism so you got it more directly than just a

Before the session your General Vitality was 63% and this increased to 75%
at the end. Implants are weakening their hold.  The occurrance was 5 %,
higher than last week but strength or power of those implants has diminshed
by 30%. This is a good sign.