Radionics Treatment Stopped By Perp Infiltration

Practitionerr ,

I’m really sorry to hear this. It was never my intentions to harm you. I do apologize if that was the impression you have of me.

Anyway, what is happening to me is truly unique to what is happening to your other clients. There are several people who are engaged in criminal warfare and they are using technology to accomplish this task.

The technology allows them to hide without being discovered by law enforcement. This is partly what Snowden was talking about.

When government is given too much power over the people, it will abuse it. This technology allows them to abuse it.

I’m talking about surveillance devices, nano-technology, smart dust technology, radio frequency technology, which includes wireless devices, cellular towers, etc.

With the advancement of implant technologies like RFID chips, privacy and tranquility has gone out the window.

I know at some point I’m going to have to get a Radionics machine to stay ahead of these criminals, which is using government to attack me.

But what is occurring today is not a recent event. The government has been researching on citizens for a long time. Now they have found a way to do it wirelessly without anyone else being suspicious.

Anyway, what would be the best time to call you today? I know you won’t be able to do anymore sessions. I don’t think it is a good idea anymore.

What these criminals do is turn the weapons against those individuals who try to help me. And because they don’t understand the scope of what is going on, they think it is the individual who is seeking the help.

I know at some point all of this is being expose. There was a recent development of the local government recognizing these technology crimes. It happened in Richmond California. There was some media coverage.

BREAKING NEWS: Jaw Dropping What Calif. Police Just Did Regarding Targeted Individuals! | Alternative


BREAKING NEWS: Jaw Dropping What Calif. Police Just…
By Deborah Dupr Before Its News Exclusive Correction: Deborah Dupr apologizes for an error in this original story giving credit to Eleanor White for the init…
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Richmond, CA City Council Meeting – 5/19/2015 Resolution I-1 passed

FFCHS Home – Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance

FFCHS Home – Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance is an organization dedicated to helping Targeted Individuals to gain information about their situation, find support, and learn new skills for their lives.
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These are real crimes. I was forced out of my home and have been homeless for 8 years now. I am 45.

The crimes are not just limited to electro-magnetic attacks, but involves systematic contamination of food and water sources. I have contacted the government about this from the very beginning and they ignore me. They ignore me, because they hire these individuals to stock the store shelves with nano-tech food.

The nano tech food, which is an implant technology, allows them to attack specific parts of my body with the electronic devices.

I went from having a business called Brunson Marketing Force LLC, which was involved in marketing over 6 niche sites that was promoting over 300 different companies, to driving a van across the east coast trying to escape this madness! I had the potential of earning a 6 figure income. It took many, many years to get to this point of my life.

But it took just a few months to become homeless, because the attacks was took severe. I had to sell my 2 acres property and live in my van. And I was ran off the road and eventually van set on fire (which I almost lost my life), I was forced to live in the woods, which I am now.


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