A New Method for Hacking Phones
Millions of Android phones are at risk from software installed by handset makers Certifi-gate. That flaw could let hackers listen in on conversations and steal data from the phones. Also vulnerable are HTC, LG, Samsung, ZTE, and others phones.
Hackers convince targets to download legitimate-seeming Android and iPhone apps from imposter websites. The apps are given special access to the phone, using digital certificates, which hackers can break into and then use. The app could allow hackers to steal personal data, track locations, and turn on microphones to record conversations.
The problem can only be fixed with a security update. The security firm Check Point has made an app that will check whether phones are vulnerable to the hack and whether they have been infected.
Read more at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3189613/Millions-Android-phones-risk-software-installed-handset-makers-Certifi-gate-flaw-let-hackers-listen-conversations-steal-data.html#ixzz3iNFvdrDp.
(Adapted from Mark Prigg for Dailymail.com, August 7, 2015. Thanks to Helena, Pittsburgh, for providing this article.)
Phone Hacking
Hackers can use a signal-boosting device on most of the phone providers to intercept voice calls, data, and text messages. Called a femtocell, the device is basically a miniature version of a cell phone tower. Most of the larger US wireless carriers and other retailers sell femtocells, which can typically be purchased for $150 to $250.
Researchers state that for a cell phone or tablet to connect to a femtocell, it must be within fifteen feet of the device, and remain within forty feet to maintain a connection. But when the device does connect to the femtocell, the phone owner will not know it.
Femtocell vulnerability could be a major problem, for there are 30 carriers worldwide that have femtocells, and three of the four U.S. carriers have them.
(Adapted from an article by Andrew Couts, July 31, 2013: http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/femtocell-verizon-hack/)
[Thanks to Helena, Pittsburgh, for this information.]