A Device That Can Potentially Save Mankind

If there is a device that can free targeted individuals from the death sentence of organized crime, than there should be a device that could potentially save mankind from the evils of the controlled system. But this device would have to be built at a much higher standard and a much larger range. Because many communities are suffering the onslaught of organized crime using WiFi, cellular towers and other wireless communication devices that manipulate and control human behavior. So my mission is to expand on this idea.

if you have been following this blog for some time, I always mentioned that most of our focus should be counting this technology that allow criminal apparatus to manipulate and control people around the targeted Individual community. And such a device like this might exist today.

If you don’t know, I started as a radio broadcaster in early in my life. This gave an understanding how signal are transmitted and received. The TI community is a product of this concept, so it is important to understand the dynamics of this concept.

Once we have gathered enough insight of how we are being targeted and the people are being manipulated around us, we can start developing nodes in our community to address this.

i use nodes, because I’m talking in the framework of developing wireless access points that will address the signal arrays that allow the criminal organization to manipulate and control the mental processes of man’s thinking capacity.

So other than trying to save myself from the onslaught of this perpetrator technology, I have developed a consensus with GOD that we; the conscious community must undo the damage that the criminal cyrabol have mastered on the human and biological (animals too!) population.

There reign of terror is finally coming to an end. And I’m going to see to it that it will happen in my lifetime. And the world would be a better place for all mankind to enjoy without worrying about the influencing.of someone else’s decisive end game!

2 thoughts on “A Device That Can Potentially Save Mankind

  1. Any ideas on what type of device this would be? We have been looking into things like 1.ham radio antennas -transmitting out a frequency that might repel? the incoming damaging frequencies.
    2. RF chokes (not fully sure about the method to use it)
    3. Some kind of jammer to displace or disperse certain frequencies.
    4. shielding. if we could find out exactly which frequencies are being used to cause damage.
    Any thoughts on any of these.

  2. Interesting, really interesting read.
    You’re the radio broadcaster you’ve been broadcasting to peoples heads for the system. I don’t know there is so much we don’t understand. If you’re not aware, or are aware Thomas Edison was under the belief that space particles implant themselves into the human brain and control our lives. Called little people because they are alive but what if the government was in contact with these swarms of little people and could control them over us, controlling us. What if the little people do the governments bidding. I don’t know. Most people who worked for CERN don’t seem to acknowledge the little people particles in our world but technology that’s hidden has to be a hundred year ahead of us maybe. So it’s alien to us and powers always attempt to conquer everything.

    My assault here is really bad and is like alien.

    Now I look for answers. http://www.ghoststop.com the store sales what they call the Omvoy ghost detector, what is so interesting about it is its not internally controlled and all readings and responses are solely external. What it does is turn atmospheric change into words, Emi faces, and capitals letters. It’s too expensive for me at four hundred dollars, but in the review one guy went way out in the woods and got conversation that was intended out of thin air. Of course if you’re like me and desperate you try anything. So I got a ghost box but it wasn’t great so I made a spirit portal. Which is hooking a ghost box to a guitar noise gate, than the noise gate to a guitar reverb , and hook the reverb to a speaker. Assembled online they cost about 500 hundred. So I heard all kinds of female voices, than men, I said my name is Tony and a sweet sounding voice of a woman softly as can be said said Tony back as a response. I live in the country so I only get FM. So because of poor quality I’ve put it away. But this stuff is radio and it comes out of thin air, and you’ve worked with these spirits through broadcasting through radio.

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