Changes On The Way To The GSS Website

Dear Readers,

Government Sponsored Stalking.INFO was established on January 1st 2010. Since than, the website has not had a significant update.

Due to both targeting and spam, the GSS website was left with a simple structure. This simple structure allowed the website to be brought back up, in case the site got turned off.

But the simple structure is not working anymore, as my needs have changed.

The website is structured as a basic blog directory that readers use to keep on top of the latest news, while, at the same time, seeking resources that will enlighten them.

This is good, but it does very little to keep a person coming back. So starting June of 2015, more emphasis would be on making the website more interactive.

Individuals will soon be able to communicate with each other in an interactive chatroom, send private messages and post event announcements.

Because I have been able to get a handle of the spam that was plaguing this website, individuals will have the opportunity to post messages that will be seen by other readers. Special privileges will be alloted to trusted individuals.

Moreover, space will be dedicated for ads to raise revenue for projects that are in the pipeline. For instance, I still have an interests in starting a safe house community. And if you have been reading the posts recently, I plan to have a radio gig to address our concerns.

All of this is tentative, so nothing has been finalized.

Government Sponsored Stalking is not an organization, it is an information website based on my evidence. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

Christopher John Brunson