The End Of The American Empirer

The end is near, so get ready for some very unimaginable stuff happening to the American people.

Anytime a “free” society is about to end, repression of free speech becomes more evident (as in my case). Government starts to put more emphasis on maintaining order than protecting free will.

They also start to hire and co-op the institutions that average citizens rely on. In my case, it was the church and the police department. In other cases, it includes family, friends, and colleagues in the work place.

This informant stuff is to keep a watchful eye on anyone who goes against the establishment.

But what is so striking is the amount of technology that is being used to silence individuals. And it is happening to more and more people, no manner what race, ethnicity, sex or age they might be.

And the perpetrators comes in all different shape and sizes. Race and age does not manner, since they can also include your family member, pastor or close friend.

And lets not forget about the military. Anytime a world power is about to loose it’s might, it is the military that steps in. They start targeting innocent people for no reason as a display of their own power. But more importantly, they use these people as instruments to control vast amount of citizens.

First it starts with a few uncommon people and then it extends to activists and whistle blowers. When it gets to this point, than it becomes widespread and no one can stop them (except GOD of course).

The United States is at a stage of total collapse. For the unseen eye, it has been happening for years with the passing of new laws, rising inflation, lack of moral value when it comes to the public and so on.

Now it is so bad that almost the average person can see some remembrance of the collapse

But it all starts when the government starts enforcing unnecessary laws and corruption. This would never happen in a democratic society, of which the United States has never been.

The mere fact that this country was founded on the blood of native indigenous people should tell you that for a democracy to exist, it must include the first people’s.

As I sit down here to another superficial “Thanksgiving” dinner, I could only imagine how many native indigenous and African lives were lost, so the American people can be fooled once again into believing that this was for the public good.

And isn’t! and Americans will soon begin to rely the truth behind these holidays.

But it will be too late for most people.

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