i have moved from Host Gator this this new U.K. server. This is prior to being with Go Daddy for years.
If this gets posted. Everything is working in optimal position.
Pulled over on Highway 85 in Charlotte NC this pickup over pulled behind of me. This block my view to exit this shoulder.
The purpose of individuals parking near me is to 1. shoot directed microwave energy at me. And 2. to calibrate the area for more intensive targeting.
Leaving the area is necessary to reduce the targeting as is being on the highway. Once leaving the immediate section, the pickup left as well. You can see the pickup headlights from the area I left. You can than see the pickup leaving immediately.
You are seeing two back camera footage and one front camera footage.
The Cyber Shield is a product invented by David Rubble claiming to stop or reduce the targeting significantly.
I’m selling my Cyber Shield for $2,000 as is purchase. This includes shipping and handling, the briefcase, and telescope and wifi antennas.
I can accept payments through Cash App. It would take me at least 48 hours to prepare the shipping if it falls between Monday and Thursday. Friday 72 hours because of the weekend.
This is the best price that I came up with, because of the shipping and handling costs.
Please refer to David Rubble for later releases.
Update 12/22: I have now included the screen showing the functionality. And there is a lot to configure to your needs.
PNT Advisory Board
Everyone is being illegally tracked with GPS satellites.These are the people with authority to shut down the illegal satellite tracking.The National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board provides independent advice to the U.S. government on GPS-related policy, planning, and program management.We suspect that most of these Advisory Board members do not have the security clearance required to know what is happening. We need to contact them.
Can you please help us research and identify the members and their contact information? We need emails and home addresses. We want to share pictures of our microwave burns to show them how the GPS system is being used. Currently, there are 29 members representing U.S. industry, academia, and international organizations.
The Chairman of the Advisory Board is Admiral Thad W. Allen, USCG, Ret.
Bradford Parkinson, Vice Chair
Point of Contact: James J. Miller, Executive Director (202) 262-0929
The Advisory Board is one of three national PNT organizations established by presidential directive.
Col. Andrew Menschner, is head of the Space Force unit that oversees GPS operations. andrew.menschner@spacefore.mil
There are currently six GPS 3 satellites in orbit as part of the 31-satellite GPS constellation. Four additional GPS 3 satellites have been manufactured and are awaiting launch opportunities. The satellites are in storage at Lockheed Martin’s facilities near Littleton, Colorado.
GPS satellites fly in medium Earth orbit (MEO) at an altitude of approximately 20,200 km (12,550 miles). Each satellite circles the Earth twice a day.
If there is a device that can free targeted individuals from the death sentence of organized crime, than there should be a device that could potentially save mankind from the evils of the controlled system. But this device would have to be built at a much higher standard and a much larger range. Because many communities are suffering the onslaught of organized crime using WiFi, cellular towers and other wireless communication devices that manipulate and control human behavior. So my mission is to expand on this idea.
if you have been following this blog for some time, I always mentioned that most of our focus should be counting this technology that allow criminal apparatus to manipulate and control people around the targeted Individual community. And such a device like this might exist today.
If you don’t know, I started as a radio broadcaster in early in my life. This gave an understanding how signal are transmitted and received. The TI community is a product of this concept, so it is important to understand the dynamics of this concept.
Once we have gathered enough insight of how we are being targeted and the people are being manipulated around us, we can start developing nodes in our community to address this.
i use nodes, because I’m talking in the framework of developing wireless access points that will address the signal arrays that allow the criminal organization to manipulate and control the mental processes of man’s thinking capacity.
So other than trying to save myself from the onslaught of this perpetrator technology, I have developed a consensus with GOD that we; the conscious community must undo the damage that the criminal cyrabol have mastered on the human and biological (animals too!) population.
There reign of terror is finally coming to an end. And I’m going to see to it that it will happen in my lifetime. And the world would be a better place for all mankind to enjoy without worrying about the influencing.of someone else’s decisive end game!
Once you move around more, you will see how random people are organized around you like chess pieces. How your presence becomes a convenience for others to exploit. But the convenience doesn’t come from the people on the ground, but the people who are manipulating the wireless technology that exist around the population.
Until there is an answer to countering this technology, it would be the sole basis of our targeting.
I have already purchased into the idea that I could potentially be protected by technology. But how I came to how to protecting myself was all wrong!
i purchased a van as if I could really just deal with the synchronization. But as time has gone by, I realized that anything involving personal development is totally over-shadowed by the synchronization people and events around me.
So now I have to just drop anything I was doing and get this protective device so I have a fighting chance. It involves getting a plane ticket to two places.
But carrying a device without a vehicle does present certain challenges. The biggest being the moisture. And second is theft.
In a van it is at least more secured. But the van is a financial burden right now. So I’m looking for jobs that would at least pay some of this debt and repair my credit.
Had a waited, at least my credit would be intact and no debt.
So unless I get a job, I would have to leave Charlotte, but this would not result in me going back to Fayetteville. And definitely not to live in the woods. That was too convenient for the criminal organization. I will have go to NY and than to pick up my protective device than I can go back to working on my business.
But my options are limited to a van that is not making any money and instead sucking my resources in gas and insurance.
i knew this was a “bad” idea, which is why I stayed in the woods..But my targeting got worse overtime, because that is what happens when you don’t move or grow and someone keeps bothering you.
The growth is not enough to prosperous, just enough to allow you to survive the slow kill method. But it is at least better than the fast kill method on paper.
You don’t have all the stress of being a TI, because you are isolated. However, the pain can be more intensive than if you are moving around.
You are very limited on what you can do on foot. But at least your finances are in tact vs driving around in a van.
That’S what happened last time.
So you try something and you realize you should have done things differently, because, you knew already it would fail..But if you never got around to trying it, you knew your former situation is a dead end.
i need to address the targeting Synchronization.
Addressing the targeting Synchronization would allow my vehicle for a longer period of time..And a vehicle that just sits at least isn’t burning a whole in your pockets..
Look for 4 panel antennas in a row.
Use our CEASE & DESIST letter below. Change it to include your information and towers.
We are organizing an effort to expose the cell tower companies.
1. Drive around to locate two or more towers within a .5 mile range that have a 4-pannel array facing in the direction of your house.
2. Take a picture of the sign outside the gate. Do not go onto their property.
3. It will likely be one of the above names, or their subsidiaries.
4. Adapt the CEASE & DESIST letter to your needs.
5. Take pics and include with your letter.
6. Send letters via certified mail-receipt requested. Copy SEC if applicable.
7. Call within a week to inquire about status. Have a separate notebook for your activism. (Write down date, time, number and person you talked to.)
8. Send a copy to TJustice2@proton.me
with the subject line: TOWER LETTER
United States Cellular – Chicago, IL
Telephone & Data Systems (parent)
CEO – LTherival@uscellular.com
General Counsel – AWelton@uscellular.com
8410 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60631
P.S. – Note the email format for these companies is either:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
July XX, 2023
Mr. Jay Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Big Company
8020 Main
Houston, TX 77024
RE: Request under SEC Rule 10b-5/ Cease and Desist
Dear Sirs:
This is a formal demand under SEC Rule 10b-5, requesting that both you and your company’s Board of Directors carry out full disclosure to the company’s shareholders about its collaboration in the Targeted Individual program, the exorbitant liability this imposes on your company, and the potential for significant reduction in share value resulting therefrom.
Your company owns and operates Cellular Towers close my residence. These towers are weaponized to cause harm, equipped with a microwave beamforming chips. Unnecessary for the transmission of voice and data, this chip serves the purpose of weaponizing the tower into a Directed Energy Weapon (“DEW”).
These towers are located at the following addresses:
1) XXX123 Main, Peoria, WB
2) XXX456 Main
Both of these locations contain a weaponized tower facing in the direction of my home. Your company allows the United States Space Force (USSF) to use these towers to inflict microwave torture on many people. As a result, I have sustained serious physical damages that include burns, organ and brain damage.
Aside from microwave attacks, your company’s weaponized towers also inflict torture consistent of remote neural monitoring (US Patent 3,951,134), subliminal messaging (US Patent 4,877,027), and voice-to-skull auditory effect (U.S. Patent 4,877,027).
Here are some pictures of microwave burns caused by Directed Energy Weapons:
Your company’s complicity with the USSF in its use of weaponized facilities, may also involve the following criminal provisions:
– 18 U.S. Code § 2340; (c) Conspiracy to commit torture.
– 18 U.S. Code § 2384; Seditious Conspiracy.
– 18 U.S. Code § 2389; Recruiting for service against the United States.
– 18 U.S. Code § 241; Conspiracy to Deprive Constitutional Rights.
– 18 U.S. Code § 242; Deprivation of Constitutional Rights.
– 18 U.S. Code § 1961; Organized Crime Control Act of 1980. (RICO)
– Numerous State laws concerning aggravated assault, stalking, harassment and murder.
Aside from this request under SEC Rule 10b-5, I hereby demand that your company, in its duty to mitigate and prevent additional damages, carry out the following:
A) Immediately CEASE AND DESIST giving access to the United States Space Force using your weaponized cell towers.
B) Remove from all towers the microwave beamforming chips.
C) Remove from all towers any frequency multipliers with an output of 60 – 65 GHz.
Please promptly advise on the point of contact that could apprise us of your company’s decision to dismantle the weaponized systems installed in these towers.
Targeted Sally
cc: Securities Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549
attached pictures
Please call, fax or email them. Be polite. Keep it short.
Refer them to TargetedJustice.com
Forward the questions for FBI Director Wray
Staff members and contacts:
Jim Jordan OH 04 (202)-225-2676Kevin.Eichinger@mail.house.gov Chief of Staff (CoS)Jared.Dilley@mail.house.gov Deputy Chief of Staff (DCoS)
Matt Gaetz
FL 01
jillian.lane-wyant@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-225-4136
Isabela.belchoir@mail.house.gov DCoS
Darrell IssaCA 48veronica.wong@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-226-2768jennifer.haynes@mail.house.gov DCoS
Thomas Massie
KY 04
Matt.Gurtler@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-225-3465
Seana.Cranston@mail.house.gov DCoS
Chris StewartUT 02Clay.white@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-225-9730Cam.Madsen@mail.house.gov DCoS
Elise M. StefanikNY 21patrick.stewart-hester@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-225-4611marek.laco@mail.house.gov DCoS
Mike Johnson
LA 04
hayden.haynes@mail.house.gov CoS (202)-225-2777
garrett.fultz@mail.house.gov DCoS
Kelly Armstrong
ND FAX 701-707-0711
roz.leighton@mail.house.gov (202)-225-2611
W. Gregory Steube
FL 17 FAX 941-575-9103
Alex.Blair@mail.house.gov (202)-225-5792
Dan Bishop FAX 844-273-1255
NC 08 (202)-225-1976
Kate Cammack
FL 03 FAX 855-299-1664
Larry.Calhoun@mail.house.gov (202)-225-5744
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)
Kyle.Lombardi@mail.house.gov (202)-225-2915
Steve Scalise (R-La.)
Brett.Horton@mail.house.gov (202)-225-0197
Tom Emmer (R-Minn.)
Chris.Maneval@mail.house.gov (202)-225-2331
“Good afternoon. My name is Bob. I am calling the Congressman about the Weaponization Committee and the upcoming testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray. Can you please have Director Wray answer the following questions:”
Since March I have filed for an LLC with the NC Secretary Of State. Unfortunately, upon filing the LLC, I was informed that the office could not delivered to the address in the filings. The address in the filing is the same address that I use to receive my driver’s license, of which I provided proof.
This isn’t the first time they had someone in an office setup to deny me my right to file or process my application. Especially something that would allow to move forward with my life.
The infiltration of government employees is an ongoing problem for many TIs who are trying to help themselves. Only to be forced to spend more time and money to jump through huddles that everyone else takes for grant.
i have file for LLC all the way back in 1998. And it was so streamlined that I was able to do it with very little assistance. Fast forward today, I can’t even take the second step, which would be filing for an EIN with the IRS.
So using a third party company is necessary to fulfilling my dedication in moving forward in my life. It shouldn’t have to be this complicated, but it is because we are targeted individuals.
i have been in touch with the office that receives my mail. She has confirmed that my address should not be a factor in my filings. Because she has a similar client and they use this same address for their business filings.
So i would have pay somebody for something I did for free, just so I can start working against.
People! The system is structured to keep certain people down. While on the other hand, they like to claim certain people don’t want to work. We want to work, but you won’t let us work.
The system is antiquated. It is not adjusted to the way people work today. All this clarification is so old school.
It’s no wonder so many homeless people exist today. Because the system is structured to failure even those on the fringes.
After using Oregano and Peppermint Supreme 4 days ago, I have experienced 2nd to 3rd Degree Burns.
The result is I lost some movement of my Left arm and intensive pain on my back and neck.
The use of these products is the increase attacks to these areas of my body.
The pain resulting from these attacks includes mobility, lifting and carrying on simple tasks.
The technology for a number of months have been centered around the lower and upper spinal cord area, which includes lower and upper back regions and neck.
I have been purchasing essential oils for some time is little relief. Usually concentrated peppermint and DMSO. So I decided to get Peppermint Supreme and Oregano.
Both of these essential oils have proven to be more potent to the skin than the earlier ingredients (especially Oregano).
The symptoms damage is so bad that I have not been able to be active. But than my targeting became so bad that I could hardly lift anything.
So it is common for TIs to try different things to relieve ourselves from the pain. But oftentimes, it can be more detrimental than the targeting itself!
I know of several TIs who are no longer her because they try to relieve the their pain and proven to be lethal.
So the the perpetrators and their alliances are affectively,
All because I choose to buy food like anyone else from retailers like Walmart, Aldi’s and Food Lion, who systematically develop a process of placing reconditioned nano laced food on the shelves.
Nano is a wireless technology. It is a technology that can be manipulated and programmed by surrounding electro magnetic scalar waves.
When digested, it is manipulated and than program to different areas of the body. Than it is programmed as nerve attachment, which the controller of an electro magnetic device can induce pain, or of their choosing manipulate the motor skills of the person. They can also induce weakness and make it difficult for the person gather up enough energy to move.