Drone zaps Man in New York

Gerard is  yet another innocent targeted individual that just got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

He’s been microwaved for years very heavily at this home and had to sleep in the basement due to the pain…
Microwave Energy being beamed on a person causes cancer of a period of time…. as it did to the US Embassy workers in Moscow that were beamed by the transmitter there known as “Wood Pecker”.

Drone zaps Man in New York

http://www.examiner.com/article/drone-zaps-man-new-york  Debra Dupre did an article about him in 2011
Jeff Murray

From: his daughter
To: jeff5859@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Gerard Ciccone
Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 12:46:58 -0400

 He came in to the hospital with abdominal pain and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  He wanted me to ask you if have seen more of this situation

From: his daughter
To: jeff5859@hotmail.com
Subject: Gerard Ciccone
Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 11:04:35 -0400

Hi, Jeff. My father wanted me to let you know he is in the hospital. Please rsvp if you would like more info.

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