GPS Selected Targeting

Because of increased GPS selected targeting, I will be discontinuing my Internet activity. Recently I purchased T-mobile WIFI stick, which gives me access to the web all over Fayetteville, NC. Unfortunately, like the Cell phone GPS coverage, it is being used to manipulate both the Technology in my body and the Technology in my surrounding area. It can be felt in the form of burning and stinging. Then, involuntary muscle contracts occur and sometimes signalling of the burned areas. Also, I will be limiting my consumtion of Food, because 10/10 times the Tech has been placed in the food and drinks sold in surrounding grocery stores. I have documented these crimes from day one and have contacted the regulatory agencies about this situation, but they do nothing about it. they are on stand-down mode to these government human torture programs that I, as well as, so many people find themselves in. I have looked at other ways to limit this torture and this is the next best thing.

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