Very little changes


It has been a while since I have posted an update about my situation. Well, it really hasn’t change, except I’m dealing with a noise campaign. The noise campaign compose of devices place in my immediate area, which gives different sound. The sounds are continuous and only changes when I walk towards these devices.

I have tried to locate these devices, but was not successful. If you had not been targeted like this before, you thought some crickets are birds have invaded the area. But that isn’t what happening.

I first noticed these devices last year, but it wasn’t as irritating. Now the average person would notice it.

They have also upgrade their pulsing devices to squeak instead of pop. The squeaking sound is similar to a bird call, but it is very animated.

Other than that , I’m still dealing with ethereal devices placed in my area, manipulation of food and liquid products in various supermarket and store chains and some level of GPS stalking.

Chris J. Brunson