Fire Department

The New York City Fire Department responded to a call from the neighbor who live in 4B. Her apartment was flooded by an apartment directly above her apartment. The result of this is the Fire Department was going to break the door down. But the Super came out of no where to respond to the situation.

I’ve always suspected him as being a conspirator to the organized stalking I’m receiving.

It involves pushing contaminated water used for these illegal, non-consenting remote experiments from the apartment directly below me (5B). So when this incident happened, I wasn’t surprised.

I have contacted the City Of New York government about this situation. A health department representative came out here to do a water sample, but she claims no contaminates existed. I suspected she was a perpetrator.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the super of this building had me go to the apartment downstairs. He showed me a whole wall gutted out. He claims me and my aunt was responsible for this neglect and stated that we will pay for it.

So we wanted to find out what was really happening. This is how we were able to find out that the response was to apartment 5B, not 6B as the super claims the problem was coming from.

The young woman from apartment 4B also claims that the Fire Department determined that the problem was coming from 5B and that we had nothing to do with this situation.

With me, this is even a much bigger issue as it is proof that water tanks were hooked into the water system to push these contaminates into Apartment 6B water system. Every time I entered the bathroom, I notice someone following me. And than notice some valve was turn on.

Since the pipes are old and weren’t designed to withstand the kind of pressure these systems was placing on the infrastructure, it is pretty obvious that a problem would occur. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

But it was a waiting game and I will use this one incident as proof that these systems were placed in areas that I was getting my water.

This also explains that the leakage existed in many places and no one could have imagine how horrific the outcome would have been.

These criminals are so eager to contaminated my water with these chemicals that they did not care about the welfare of the tenants of the building.

This is why it is not in the best interests of the citizens to allow this activity to continue to happen.

Not only is these criminals destroying our water systems with contaminates and the pipes that hold it, they are going inside supermarkets across the nation and are switch uncontaminated food with contaminated food.

They are using gangs of people from all walks of life (including felons and pedophiles) to infiltrate these establishments.

It is so hideous that if it continues, it will effectively end all life on this planet.

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