Simple Tools for Emotional Pain

From my recent awakening, my view about what is going on in terms of humanity as a whole and the awakening process has expanded. I am quite certain we are at the point NOW where ‘many people awaken’ foreseen by most religions. Because of this many people are having awakening symptoms. The PAIN you are feeling now is that. The pain is to wake you up. You don’t need pills to eliminate the pain, rather love the Pain you have and allow it to be your teacher to guide you to find the spot where there is no pain.

Meditation is not something people know how to do; you have to learn how to do it. You learn by practicing it. The more you practice, the better you get at it. Meditation is a basic skill of learning how to ‘see’ & ‘hear’ & ‘feel’ which helps you grow closer to ‘God’, dissolve your pain and is non-denominational. Sometimes meditation is called prayer and often people pray but do not get help they need, because they are not praying correctly. Prayer is about asking for guidance or help then quieting the mind to HEAR or RECEIVE the answer or help.

When our thoughts become very noisy an intermediate step must be taken to help quiet our mind. The simple act of repeating the name of an inspirational spiritual person and being quiet is a beginner prayer/meditation. If you do this as often as you can, your mind will start to quiet down, followed by strong emotions quieting down. As the noisy mind and emotion settles, you will become CALM and still inside. When you are CALM, it is like connecting directly to ‘God’, who is in the calm space always HERE underneath mind and emotion. When you are calm you can see better & hear truth, which truth is ‘guidance’ or receiving, which helps you grow closer to ‘God’. But to receive you have to be CALM and quiet inside which is same as quieting your mind. To quiet the mind you have to take action (do prayer). You have to practice to get good at it. Setting aside time each day to do prayer, is by itself the act of letting go of our attachment to the ‘physical world’, which is better called our ‘dream world’, which illusion is created by identifying with our thoughts or story, which we think is ‘truth’. (That is ego). Effective prayer, is working to detach from ego=mind, or quieting OUR thoughts.

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