How I’m Being Targeted

This is an update from posts made in the past regarding this subject. Nothing has change, except the targeting is more specific. Also, it does not involved as many people on the ground as what many TI’s are referring to as “gang” stalkers. The targeting is coordinated through transponders that is placed in various locations, which allows anyone with a GPS linking device to plug into. So seeing individuals clicking away at their cell phones is less common as it was earlier.

The way I feel the targeting is different, which depend on the area I’m positioned in. For instance, one area could involve targeting my feet, while another area would be my legs. Also, the level of targeting changes from place to place.

It feels more psychological than it does physical, as I can not tell the difference from what is happening to me today versus 5 years ago. All I know it is keeping me from living a normal life.

Because I’m being honest with you about the targeting, it should be very surprising to anyone conducting these illegal “experiments” that nothing has changed. But the United States citizen who’s millions of dollars of tax paying money is being wasted away on a program that does not do anything to benefit the human race.

With that said, the systematic reconditioning food sources for these “experiments” is still happening. As stated many times on this blog, as well as documented in recorded video dating back to 2009 involves many, many individuals. Usually when a store has been infiltrated, the first thing you see is empty boxes spread across the store and the second thing you see is scores of individuals stocking store shelves. Other times, you might see a deliver truck just arriving for deliveries.

As I’m shopping at these establishments, there are people stocking the shelves. But when I go to the cash register, all the stocking stops within 5 minutes from being on the line.

Furthermore, employees in a store often do not change once you have been going there regularly. But many times they do change after your first two visits. However, after a while of going into that establishment, you will notice that the entire store of employees will change. I believe this has more to do with methods of tracking you, than anything else,  but I can not clarify this. It can also do with covering themselves from suspicion.

The technology is most definitely in the food when I consume it. It taste like I’m eating crystals or particle dust. This has been going on for years and I have complained to the Food Drug Administration, Agricultural and Health Department  and no one investigates anything. I have written documentation all the way back to 2010 about this manner.

Immediately upon consuming the food, I’m attacked in my stomach continuously. It is felt in the form of bloating, in-digestive pain and gas. Some times these attacks lead to diapheria. These symptoms is a combination of the technology that has been placed in the food and the electro-magnetic devices that are targeting this area of my body.

It does not stop at my body as it also involves my electronics as well. For instance, my computer battery charging mechanism is manipulated to 1) not charge and, or 2) give an inadequate reading. This usually happens when they can reach me with the technology the way they want to.

These attacks to my life is about the contract money. They need to continue to justified these expenditures for something they know is BULLSHIT. As long as they can fool the public into believing in this BUGGY MONSTER, they will continue to justify the need to invest in this technology.

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