Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)

From the Citizens Against Harmful Technology Newsletter

Electronic Slavery is taking over the world. Thousands of people have been selected for elimination in a government fusion center program designed to dominate an individual with electronic harassment and organized stalking. This program includes a system of harassment with microwave technology from various sources including electronic medical implants, handheld directed energy weapons and various installations of transmitters, magnetrons and mobile units which radiate people with microwave from cell towers, vehicles, drones and satellites. The program also includes gangstalking by multiple people every day wherever the individual exists which causes physical harm and psychological harm through terror.

Targeted Individuals are medically implanted with a brain implant which creates a permanent connection of their brains to a central government AI computer where their brain waves are (1) recorded, (2) interpreted and enhanced with sophisticated software and (3) used to remotely control people with artificial thoughts, dreams and emotions. The new healthcare system that allows remote monitoring of an individual’s every thought and action is called a Wireless Body Area (Sensor) Network. The goal of government and the healthcare mafia is to have every human being controlled with this system of electronic torture and control.

This Body Sensor Network allows a “handler” employed by the government of the United States of America to see and monitor everything a person does with a  surveillance system in their home and vehicle. Transmitters embedded in the home and vehicle communicate electronically to send every brain wave, every heart beat, blood ph, blood sugar, stress levels, every physical impluse from the senses, even sexual experiences to the government, police, firemen, doctors, hospitals, fusion centers and anyone they give access to. Microwave transmitters are not being used for healing people or making them live longer, they are being used to stimulate implants to heat, vibrate and destroy connective tissue, muscles, nerves and joints. Microwaves are being aimed at people’s heads to soften the bones and to decrease mental abilities. TI’s are reporting that the circumference of their heads decreases over time. One TI noticed her head is a whole inch smaller in a year’s time.

RFID implants can be so powerful they can be turned on from long distances so you can be tortured from “neighborhood watch” volunteers walking, riding or driving down the street. This is done by “stalkers” hired by various volunteer programs (paid with gift cards), the COPS program, neighborhood watch programs and Citizens Assisting Police programs. When the Individual goes out for a walk, they are followed by radar, tracking their implants and stalkers pass by or interfere with their walk. Victims are tracked using apps on cell phones.

3 thoughts on “Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)

  1. Thank you for your concise and informative communication. How does someone find justice for this? How is it possible that this is happening in America? I just hope and pray they dont make me into a “Manchurian Candidate” or use me for any violent act that I am not able to control or stop. If you ever hear about such a tragedy, my name is Kara Pridgen Pipkin, please forward this note to the proper authorities. Thanks in advance.

  2. Michael Nielsen here, from Denmark. I am a TI and I have been implanted at least one elecronic devise, either in my left ear or left part of my neck or throat. This at Gentofte Hospital, in the summer of 2008, during special surgery, when they put my left ear back after an assault from a local gang.

    I have a youtube channel: THEPRCOMMANDER

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