Moved Servers Last Month

Moved servers last month, forgot to change it. So when I did not renewed my last account, it was suspended.

This change has been in the making for approximately a year now. The cost of keeping the same company for a site that wasn’t generated any income was just getting two expensive. So the only thing was to do was change companies.

Now that the transition has been completed, in happy to say that this is the first time a transfer like this was done in 12 years I had this domain:

The concept of Government Sponsored Stalking was created in 2009 while filing my Affidavit with the U.S. President than Barack Obama and U.S. attorney Eric Holder. And the official date of this launch came on January 1st 2010. First as a staging WordPress website than as what it came today. A private hosted site.

There is no governing body that host GSS. It is why “info” is at end of this domain. But at one time it was going to transitionalized into something more activist oriented. However, that did not occur.

Anyway, GSS has been on the forefront in addressing the needs of the TI community. And when it can’t answer the questions that you are seeking, it serves a referral service to someone who can.

Thank you so much for visiting GSS. Just understand that everything that is offered here is voluntary and I’m not obligated to provide public service.

With that said, I wish you peace, love and happiness, because the whole world needs a lot of it.

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