About Qolspony

I'm a victim of gang stalking, electronic harassment, cointelpro, domestic terrorism, and food/water contamination.

Trucking Industry & The Electromagnetic Program Concerning Targeted Individuals

If I could get someone to stand on the main street, which is opposite of me where I’m positioned in the woods, they would notice a high volume of trucks coming into the business. These truckers are not there to deliver, they are there to shoot directed energy to me as well as the various private vehicles who park behind the business. The gate is purposely left opened so they can gain access to the property whenever they are needed.

The way I know this is because I hear them coming in. I also here them coordinating with the various private cars who are also parked behind this proxy business.

So having someone watching from the front street will give a clearer picture of what is going on. Also someone with a frequency analyzer can deter whether the frequency these truckers are sending to me is different from the private vehicles.

Anyway, the reason why having truckers as part of this criminal enterprise is that they are able to send a more powerful signal through the help of the engines and their loading capacity of carrying larger attack devices.

But the one thing that puts them ahead of anyone else, is that, they are connected to distribution networks. These distribution networks deliver all kinds of products, including the stuff we put in and on our bodies. If they become infiltrated, than everything becomes infiltrated around us.

How do these nano pathogens get in the products that we consume? But its my belief that it is bigger than the trucker themselves. FEMA like distribution warehouses have been setup all around the nation to resemble common consumerables and not so common. And they are placed on these trucks to than be delivered in the stories in area that the Targeted Individuals shop.

I’ve been aware of this networks since 2008 when I started noticing my targeting getting worse after consuming the food or drink.

I have since altered how I consume food and I hardly ever by anything that would put large volumes of technology in my body.

But this is another subject part of a much bigger problem. The food system is heavily controlled by criminal organizations. It is why we are eat Genetically Modify food and why the FDA and us agriculture agency is unavailable when you have a problem.

Anyway, if you are a regular driver on the highways, you would notice at least one truck surrounded by a series of private vehicles in front of you as well behind you. Its a pattern purposely put there to keep you in their electronic targeting web.

Business Proxy in Limbo!

I unable to disclosed the proxy business that was created as a proxy as it would disclosed my location. But I did noticed that the “business” sign was off the building. There was no indication that he had moved on his Facebook page. Or the proxy has closed. I did noticed a guy in the lot. And the cars were all there. This is labeled as a mechanic business.

Other interesting facts is that when I ran the address. His business name did not come up. But two other unrelated business came up.

Note: This business occupied two properties. 39 and 41. But he’s listed as 41, but after re-arriving in the area in 2017. 39 was added. This 39 was a furniture proxy, which existed before his proxy.

The different is, there is absolutely no recorded history of this furniture proxy under the 39 address.

What I did find running these addresses are listed businesses for 39 and 41.

39 is an all heating and air business. There is even a working number. And a demolition business at 41. But I have not seen any sign indicating that these two businesses exist.

Anyway, my targeting is connected to this property primarily as I’m directly east from the property.

The proxy is listed as a 24/h operation. However, its just offers perpetrators access to a property without looking suspicious.

But since being in the area 2012. I noticed hearing perpetrators on the business property. This proxy started operations in and around 2016.

Although this is significant data. The targeting is not limited to this one property. It consist of individual properties in the surrounding areas. They are all interlinked with the targeting. But since this property proxy is closes to me, it serves as the major conduit to other perpetrators around me.

The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime

David Salinas Flores Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru

Abstract The nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry with multiple potential applications on human beings; however, experimentation in humans is high risk, for that reason, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods like the organized crime to achieve that purpose. Thus, mafias of nanotechnology, “nanomafias”, would being created, mainly in Latin America, which would be multiplying vertiginously due to several factors like the ignorance in society regarding the use of nanotechnology as criminal weapon, the “invisibility” of this mafia for being used as its tool, the wifi, its economic power, the extortion with the Brain net, the silence and participation of the press and the health unions, the media disinformation campaign, its world interconnection, being an organized crime and the possible participation of authorities of the national police, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary, and the intelligence services. Nanomafia aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world, therefore, the world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this nanomafia.Keywords: nanotechnology, internet, interface brain-machine, crime, latin americaIntroductionThe nanotechnology is the science, engineering and technology that are developed to nano-scale, around 1 to 100 nanometers. One of nanotechnology main applications is the nanobots, machines that can construct and handle objects at an atomic level and that are capable of moving through the circulatory system.1The nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry and since it has multiple potential applications in human beings, there is a great interest in human experimentation. However, the nanotechnology acts at atomic level and for that reason the experimentation in humans is high risk, which causes an evident lack of volunteers. Therefore, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods to get human experimentation subjects; thus, they would be using violence, swindle, extortion and organized crime.2–4Recent researches reveal evidences that the technological transnational companies, in illicit association with USA, European Community and China governments and the corrupt Latin American governments, have created an organization that is developing mainly in Latin America a secret, forced and illicit neuroscientific human experimentation with invasive neurotechnology, brain nanobots, microchips and implants to execute neuroscientific projects,2–5 which can have even led scientists to win Medicine Nobel Prizes6 based on this illicit human experimentation at the expense of Latin Americans’ health.The main potential harmful effects caused by this illicit human experimentation with nanobots in society include:Mind control,7,8 memory deletion, torture, permanent espionage, theft of private information, extortion, sterilization, psychiatric disorders, suicide, and digital slavery.6The mainly objectives of nanomafia are illicit enrichment, academic recognition, creation of human weapons, and the creation of a digital fascist society.The evidences indicate that nanomafias would be interconnected forming an international network with a mega project whose purpose is to create a digital fascist society, an oligarchy that rules the rest of world citizens who will carry nanobots and will be digital slaves, a human robotisation of the society at the service of a millionaire elite.The digital fascist project is global; the objective would be to control the whole planet using microchips in human beings, animals and things.“The Internet of Things” and “the driverless car” really have as purpose the fascist control of things. In men, the “digital slave” (human robot) project has different components: the mind control, permanent espionage with the Brain net, elimination of the emotions, living in a virtual reality, memory deletion and elimination of sexuality.The different kind of projects developed with nanobots has a common pattern: they are developed by telemetry, by wifi, they do not have physical form, and they are intangible. Really, nanomafia is the mafia of wifi, the “ghost mafia”, which makes almost impossible to report it. The torture researchers and the criminals know that “the best torture” is the one that leaves no marks since it cannot be reported. If the victim of tortures by wifi reports it, he/she can be unjustifiably considered as a person with psychiatric problems or a slanderer, for that reason, the crime uses wifi as secret torture weapon

Figure 2 Brain nanobot: Surveillance and mind torture
Brain nanobot can be used to perform a permanent surveillance and torture a person by wifi
Source: https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/

Regarding the criminal methods that nanomafia uses, the swindle is one of the most common methods and the main types include the deceptive promotion, the intellectual camouflages or the humanitarian pseudo-aid.The deceptive promotion is one of the most popular, it promotes the use of nanobots as a futurist scientific prediction and a benefit to the society, hiding the health risk and its true uses against society; thus, for example, transnational companies scientists state the following regarding the brain nanobots:“With nanorobots in our brains we will be like Gods”9“With nanobots we will be able to load the French language in the bloodstream of our brain” 10However, these affirmations that, evidently, induce the ordinary citizen to use brain nanobots do not have strongest scientific evidence, and the most important is that these affirmations hide the harmful effect of brain nanobots.In order to convince the citizens of voluntarily accepting being “digital slaves” of the nanomafias, transnational companies, economic powers and media magnates, a series of intellectual camouflages have been created and there is a whole terminology, created or already existing, that is being manipulated to promote the illicit uses of this nanotechnology, a terminology that could be called a “swindle dictionary”.Thus, for promotion of memory deletion is “unlearn to learn”; for convincing of the use of brain nanobots is “the biological innovation” (innovation)11 and thus, with these implants, being “excellent” human beings (excellence), having more creativity (“creativity”) a better attitude (“attitude”) and being evolved human beings( “evolution”) ; for accepting the permanent espionage with the Brain net is “connect”, “the privacy is out” “knowledge society”, “divergent thinking”, “lateral thinking”, “observatories”,“transparency”, “hiving thought”, “brainstorming”, “disruptive technology, “mindfacture”,12 “Smart-city”, “brain circulation”; for convincing a person of being a cyborg (creative destruction); for forcing the student to use the Brain net as academic tool are currently being developed “neurospecialties” (neurolaw, neuromanagement, neuroeducation, etc.); for living in the virtual reality is “live the experience…..13”; for promoting to live without sexuality is “gender”;14 for living in a digital ghetto is “community”; for accepting being a digital slave is the “Milleniums”;15 and finally for spying the poor (social responsibility); thus, the transnational companies will make the citizens believe that they live in a happy world without knowing that they are digital slaves, slaves not forced by a totalitarian dictatorship but by the mass consent made by the media.There are several evidences that indicate that the social responsibility is another of the camouflages organized by this nanomafia, due to the strong and sudden interest of the companies in developing “social responsibility” projects with a big-money advertising that indicates that it is a business rather than a humanitarian aid. One of the companies is Fox which is suspected of being using this camouflage. Fox is one of social responsibility promoters,16 according to recent researches, that are making TV shows of zombies using mind control experiments with brain nanobots.7 The social Responsibility is promoted by prestigious institutions like the United Nations and is recruiting university youth as its main operators swindling them in a majority of cases. The use of transhumanist terminology called the “social innovation” by the social Responsibility organizers and the clichés that promote the personal surveillance as “The eye we all have set begins to see” lead to suspect that the social Responsibility would really seeks to develop the espionage with the Brain net in poor zones. The social responsibility that is demanded as mandatory course in Latin American universities like the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the oldest of South America, would seek to swindle poor populations in order to transform these towns in “communities”, really future ghettos of digital slavery, where they will be permanently spied and mentally controlled with the Brain net, their memories will be deleted and their sexual lives will be filmed and commercialized; the residents of these communities will live in a virtual reality. In short, the residents of these poor communities will be human slaves at the service of the transnational companies and nanomafias.One of the most perverse objectives of this mafia, the mind control, turning a person into an animal, machine or slave, would also be being promoted subliminally through intellectual swindles like the “emotional intelligence”, the so-called “intelligent control of emotions”, seeking that the society in the future accepts the use of nanobots under the argument of emotions self-control hiding that their mind will not really be auto-controlled but they will lose their control, since the person with nanobots could be controlled and spied through telemetry used by nanomafias or intelligence centrals; their brain and body will actually be under mind control by others.The actions of this nanotechnology mafia are facilitated because nanobots can be administered in foods and drinks, being one of the main ones the alcohol drinks like beer since it depresses the individual’s central nervous system and he loses his self-control and therefore, it facilitates mind control by others via brain nanobots; for this reason, the beer is ideal to administer brain nanobots.The illicit use of nanotechnology based on secret and forced human experiments would be giving rise to an exclusive corrupt circle of “new millionaires”: professors of medicine, health unions, doctors, nurses, technicians, hospital managers, physicists, journalists, publishers of scientific magazines, librarians, engineers, politicians, professors, policemen, prosecutors, judges, the military, university students and even school students who illicitly become rich at the expense of their victims’ health and honor.The illicit nanotechnology has also allowed appearing a new kind of criminals, operators that could be called “nano-hired killers” or “nano-torturers”, those responsible for the “dirty work” of nanomafia, group mainly conformed by journalists, university students, nurses and illegal inmigrants as many venezuelans in Peru, who would be responsible for performing several works including: selection of the victim, to choose “the person of interest”, person who can contribute with some benefit to the nanomafia; intoxication of the victim with nanobots through food, drinks or pills or his/her kidnapping to install them brain implants; editing, selection and commercialization of mind videos obtained with the daily espionage using the Brain net, mind torture, victim torture disclosing his/her privacy information and espionage of dreams; obtaining information from the dreams with the Brain net for extortion; creation of pseudo-diseases blocking the function of organs by telemetry to then extort the victim with “the cure”.Recent researches alert on the development of nanomafias in Latin America, mainly in Peru.6,4 The main suspicious ones include the hospitals of ESSALUD, company that, in 2009, would have started a criminal nanotechnology organization during the administration of Fernando Barrios Ipenza, one of transhumanism sponsors in Peruvian universities in association with European and US universities and the main Peruvian media.6 Barrios would continue developing nanomafias in the provinces of Peru, mainly in Huancayo, city where he was mayor.These mafias of nanotechnology would be developing dramatically due to the following factors:The ignorance in society regarding the use of nanotechnology as common crime, organized crime, state terrorism and cyberwar weapon.The “invisibility of this mafia” because they have wifi as their main weapon and therefore is almost impossible to report it.The economic and political power of this mafia. The main organizers include the transnational companies with more economic power like Google, Facebook and Intel and the governments of countries like China, United States, the European Community and the Russian Federation and especially, the US Army through the DARPA

Figure 3 The US Navy: Main suspect of organizing nanomafias in Latin America.The photo shows Naval Medical Research Unit Six (NAMRU-6), the only US military command located in South America. It is near to Peruvian sea. Recent researches lead to suspect that the US Army is the main organizers of mafias of nanotechnology in Latin America through the DARPA.Source http://nextnavy.com/welcome-to-you-new-namru-namru-6-grows-up/

The extortion to the victims of nanomafia using new products developed with the nanotechnology like the Brain net. The Brain net allows obtaining the so-called “mind videos”, obtaining a person’s thoughts in form of videos that can be transmitted to cell phones. Really, the Brain net aims to be the most powerful extortion weapon of the common crime, the organized crime, state terrorism and cyberwar.The silence and participation of the press. Recent publications give evidences that owners of mass media and their extensive network of journalists in the world are the organizers of this mafia of nanotechnology4–7 since the main uses of nanobots on humans are projects of telecommunications like the Brain net, a person’s permanent espionage by telemetry.The media disinformation campaign that presents the mind control and the Brain net as a fiction or myth,17 thus, the society is informed about nanotechnology as a crime only in science fiction TV series, which leads to consider the crime incredible.The silence and participation of unionsIn Latin America, the health unions participate in multiple street protests, however, it is remarkable their silence in relation to the multiple researches that report forced human experimentation with nanobots in Latin American hospitals,5–7 which would reflect their participation in this mafia. In Peru, the Federación Centro Unión de Trabajadores known by its initials “CUT” from the Social Health Insurance (ESSALUD for its initials in Spanish) comprises 18,000 workers. In spite of its large number, which makes it almost impossible that their members do not know nanomafias, surprisingly “CUT” an health union has not denounced illicit nanotechnology

Figure 4 ESSALUD: Peruvian hospital network where nanomafias would operate.6The picture shows the Alberto Sabogal Hospital of ESSALUD. It is near to Naval Medical Research Unit Six (NAMRU-6)
Figure 5 EHealth unions: Main suspects of organizing nanomafias in Latin America.The figure shows one of the multiple street protests carried out by one of the Peruvian largest and most powerful health unions known by its initials “CUT”. This health union has never protested against nanomafias.Source: https://www.facebook.com/Fedcutoficial/

The nanomafia aims to be an interconnected worldwide network. One of its main camouflages would be the Millennium project, created, according to its promoters, the United Nations, to develop a “global intelligence”, therefore, it forms the “nodes” in different countries; this would actually be to develop the Brain net worldwide.Alan García, considered one of the most corrupt politicians in Peru,18 surprisingly, was the person chosen by the United Nations to develop the Peru Node of the Millennium Project and to advise the RIBER Group, the Latin-American branch of this project. Garcia’s corruption fame and his relations with Fernando Barrios lead to suspect that Alan García would be developing the Brain net in all Latin America.The nanomafia is an organized crime. In contrast to a band in which a group of people meets to commit a single crime, the organized crime organizations are created to commit crimes continuously, at long term; the organized crime is “the crime company”, for that reason, to achieve that purpose, one of the main key objectives is to include into it the authorities of the national police, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary,19 this makes the success of the criminal organization viable; it explains why the organized crime develops its actions with total impunity and it would explain why the nanomafia, a form of organized crime, has not been reported by any prosecutor’s office in the world

Figure 6 Mafias of Prosecutors: Key element of nanomafias.The picture shows Callao Prosecutor’s Office in Peru; it is near to Alberto Sabogal Hospital, the main place suspected of organizing nanomafia in Peruvian medicine. Until date, no prosecutor’s office has made a report about the organized nanotechnology crime in Peru.Source: https://legis.pe/crean-despachos-plazas-fiscales-callao/

It is also evident that, given the great extension that the nanomafias can have in the world and the large amount of information that institutions like the world intelligence services as CIA or MOSSAD and police institutions like the FBI and the INTERPOL have, these institutions would know the nanomafia but instead of report it they hide it and participate in its crimes. Thus, for example, neither the FBI, the CIA, the MOSSAD or the INTERPOL, or any intelligence service in the world have reported the main nanomafia weapon, the Brain net, and the massive espionage that would be carried out in the world, on the citizens mainly on young women obtaining their sexual life.

It is necessary to emphasize that the criminal activity of this nanomafia, “the ghost mafia”, “the wifi mafia”, must be known by the society in all areas because it can affect any society sector and for the power of its weapons like the Brain net. The magnitude of this mafia can only be compared to that of drug trafficking. There actually are many similarities between the drug trafficking and this “nanotrafficking” organized by nanomafias, although the main crime element is different, in the former it is the coca leaf and in the latter it is the brain nanobot, both can damage the mental health, both are billionaries industries that infiltrate and corrupt all the institutions, however, unlike the drug trafficking that is reported by mass media in its headlines, in the nanotrafficking the press is its main member and for that reason it hides it, and it remains unknown to most of society that even considers it fiction due to the own press disinformation campaign that presents the crime as fiction.


The nanotechnology has become a billionarie industry with multiple potential applications on human beings, which has leaded to create a mafia of nanotechnology to be developed on human beings. A “nanomafia” that becomes rich with the secret and forced use of nanotechnology on human beings at the expense of their health, privacy and honor. The world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this nanomafia, mafia that aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world.



Conflict of interest

Author declares that there is no conflicts of interest.


  1. http://singularityhub.com/2016/05/16/nanorobots-where-we-are-today-and-why-their-future-has-amazing-potential/
  2. Salinas D. Inteligencia artificial híbrida: Una amenaza a Latinoamérica. Rev Arg Med. 2018;6(1):3–5.
  3. Anand R, Matani A. Industrial engineering & management new delhi india. International Research Publication House. 2015.
  4. Salinas D, Alerta Puno. Experimentos humanos ilicitos alto riesgo con empleo de chips y nanobots cerebrales en becarios del PRONABEC. Puno Cultura y Desarrollo. 2016.
  5. Salinas D. Proyecto cerebro humano: Existen Experimentos humanos secretos en Latinoamérica?. Arch Med. 2016;16(1):192–8.
  6. Salinas D. The “human GPS”– the 2014 Nobel prize in medicine: great scientific fraud?. Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018;3(3):193–196.
  7. Salinas D. El secreto de Hollywood: Zombis creados por nanobots cerebrales. Medicina y Cine. 2018;14(2):87–91.
  8. Salinas D. The secret program of US mind control weapons: is it developing in Latin America?. Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018, 3(2):145–146.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-brain-godlike_us_560555a0e4b0af3706dbe1e2
  10. https://bigthink.com/videos/nicholas-negroponte-on-the-future-of-biotech
  11. Salinas D. Innovación: El cuento chino de Andres Oppenheimer Centros. 2016;5(1):1–8.
  12. Goñi J Mentefactura. El cambio de modelo productivo. Innovar sobre los intangibles del trabajo y de la empresa. Ediciones Díaz de Santos. 2012
  13. http://www.fillima.com.pe/la-22a-feria-internacional-del-libro-de-lima-nos-convoca-a-vivir-la-experiencia-fil/
  14. http://www.ngenespanol.com/fotografia/fotogalerias/17/01/9/edicion-especial-sobre-genero-revista-national-geographic/
  15. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/1020257-millennials-la-generacion-del-futuro
  16. http://www.dossiernet.com.ar/articulo/fox-international-channels-latin-america-firma-acuerdo-con-la-ong-unidos-en-red/2271
  17. Horgan J. The myth of mind control. Will anyone ever decode the human brain? Discover. 2004;25(10):40–7.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WtQ-6wPKdo
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A73zUAQAMM

Creative Commons Attribution License

©2018 Flores. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.

Kristofer Pister: Creator of Smart Dust Nano Technology

Dr. Kristofer Pister

He received a B.A. in Applied Physics from UC San Diego, 1986, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley in 1989 and 1992. Prior to joining the faculty of EECS in 1996, he taught in the Electrical Engineering Department, UCLA.


Professor Pister developed Smart Dust, a project with the goal of putting a complete sensing/communication platform inside a cubic millimeter. For this project, he was awarded the second annual Alexander Schwarzkopf Prize for Technological Innovation, in 2006, from the I/UCRC Association, for developing and successfully commercializing Smart Dust. He has also focused his energies on synthetic insects, which he has characterized as “basically Smart Dust with legs.” Professor Pister was award the Alfred F. Sperry Founder Award in 2009 for his “contributions to the science and technology of instrumentation, systems, and automation.”

Kris is a co-Director of the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC) and the Ubiquitious Swarm Lab.


  • 1992, Ph.D., EECS, UC Berkeley
  • 1989, M.S., EECS, UC Berkeley
  • 1986, B.A., Applied Physics, UC San Diego

Important References

Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)

Integrated Circuits (INC) Low-power circuits

Update on Civil Suit concerning Targeting Individuals

Disclaimer: The content below is the sole responsibility of the claimants and GSS does not have any insight of this case. Please contact the provider, which their information can be found at the end of this post.

From: Alison Smith
Date: 2/23/2022
Subject: T.I / Research / Consulting

I hope you are well. 

The Brussels-based lawyers’ association DROITS ET LIBERTES (RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS) represented by its Vice-President, counsellor Paulo Criscenzo, have decided to put our case forward as a Public Interest case. It will raise awareness, generate media coverage & help give our victims community a voice. This also means we now have several lawyers at our disposal.

Icator & it’s Belgium based members would be the Plaintiffs & any non Belgium residents will be Witnesses. Our lawyer is taking this matter so very very seriously he found a way of including victims worldwide. We have victims with evidence joining from the U.S, EU, U.K, Australia, China, Japan & more.

Our aim is to have as many victims worldwide participate so we can win & set a precedent for the future & have new laws created. 

We are working closely with the American group PACTSntl. Mr Derrick Robinson their President is the Icator Vice President. Also the Spanish group – VIACTEC are joining as an association, along with an Indian & Chinese based associations.

It is the Belgium government being taken to court for not protecting citizens, if we were to fail in Belgium it would then go to the European Court of Human Rights & or the ICC in which case all Governments would be applicable.

Our Lawyers are currently deciding if the case should be Civil, Criminal or both & looking at different ways we could be compensated.

Today, we had a meeting with ICATOR key people, technical experts as well as Mr. Criscenzo, who decided to organize a major Internet conference to raise public awareness on this issue.

The event will be held on 20 March 2022 at 8 pm CET.

At least 60.000 – 80.000 people, the lawyers’ association followers, will attend this conference. Most of them are « ordinary » members of the public, but the conference will also be followed by other lawyers and local politicians.

The conference will be live-streamed on the lawyers’ association’s website and other communication tools and include an introductory part presented by a female attorney, President of the lawyers’ association (10 min), a short ICATOR presentation held by myself (10 – 15 min), technical and medical experts’ presentations (15 min each), a few international victims’ testimonies describing their day-to-day experiences as a victim (10 min each) as well as a large part devoted to our lawyer explaining the organization and the course of the legal process and trial.

The conference will end with a questions & answers session.

Our lawyer will then ask the members of the public to sign a petition to be sent to the Belgian Parliament requesting an immediate regulation / ban of these weapons systems on Belgian territory.

We require 25.000 signatures for this petition. Our lawyer does not expect major difficulties to reach this number.

The link announcing this conference as well as further event details will be sent out this week.

We sincerely hope you will be able to attend the conference.

Yours sincerely,

Moved Servers Last Month

Moved servers last month, forgot to change it. So when I did not renewed my last account, it was suspended.

This change has been in the making for approximately a year now. The cost of keeping the same company for a site that wasn’t generated any income was just getting two expensive. So the only thing was to do was change companies.

Now that the transition has been completed, in happy to say that this is the first time a transfer like this was done in 12 years I had this domain: govsponsoredstalking.info

The concept of Government Sponsored Stalking was created in 2009 while filing my Affidavit with the U.S. President than Barack Obama and U.S. attorney Eric Holder. And the official date of this launch came on January 1st 2010. First as a staging WordPress website than as what it came today. A private hosted site.

There is no governing body that host GSS. It is why “info” is at end of this domain. But at one time it was going to transitionalized into something more activist oriented. However, that did not occur.

Anyway, GSS has been on the forefront in addressing the needs of the TI community. And when it can’t answer the questions that you are seeking, it serves a referral service to someone who can.

Thank you so much for visiting GSS. Just understand that everything that is offered here is voluntary and I’m not obligated to provide public service.

With that said, I wish you peace, love and happiness, because the whole world needs a lot of it.

EEG Cloning

EEG Cloning

Copying one person’s brainwaves onto the brain of another person is a technology sometimes referred to as “EEG cloning.” Researcher Tim Rifat explains that emotions and states such as anger and aggressiveness, apathy, lust, psychopathy, suicidal depression, mania, paranoia and psychosis have distinctive frequencies which can be entrained into the brain “remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology).

As physicist Richard Alan Miller put it: By using … computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain’s …”emotion signature clusters,” synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. These stored “emotion signature clusters” can then be entrained into human beings to trigger the emotion.

More than mere emotions, even another “personality” can be “cloned” onto an individual. This “cerebral cortex cloning” has been likened to “having an enemy within one’s own mind.”

Information on perpetrators of technology and high-tech crimes


I’m going to   continue  to report on the subject.

Period:From the end of March 2020 to the present
Location:Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan

Company name: Japan Concentrix Co., Ltd.
(IBM-related companies / foreign-affiliated information and communication companies)
(IBM is involved in the contract development and space development of US military and defense systems, and the development of satellite operation systems.
  Japan Concentrix is an IBM-related company that acquired and merged a part of IBM’s business.)
  (It is also a company that operates a support center (AppleCare) for Apple products such as iPhone and Mac.)

US Headquarters: 44051 Nobel Dr Fremont.CA 94538
Tokyo Headquarters: Kinshicho Prime Tower 3rd floor 1-5-7 Kameido, Koto-ku, TokyoHiroshima Office: Hiroshima Nissei Building floor 8-18 Teppocho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi,Hiroshima Prefecture

Japan Concentrix Co., Ltd. Hiroshima Office Employee name:
Naoko Ogura
Born August 24, 1988, 33 years old
Current address: Casa Sumiyoshi 701, 6-6 Sumiyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima
Birthplace: 8-9-25 Nukushina, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
(There is a temple on Nukushina 7-8-15, the son of Shokouji of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji school)

Part of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji School
Affiliated group Yamaguchigumi Kodokai(YAKUZA)
A party that protects the people from the political organization NHK
Related parties Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, part of in Japan
Other investigations, detective agency Galu Agency
Other IT-related companies (Ex. Internet advertising agency CyberAgent)
Part of system development company, part of information and communication related company

Measures in daily life


I’m going to   continue  to report on the subject.
Tinnitus HQ. Using an application called Tinnitus HQ, playing the sounds of crickets and birds can significantly reduce the sound of V2K and microwave auditory effect technology.

You can use the band elimination function to adjust the frequency of the voice, frequency and application sound of the other party to reduce unpleasant sounds at about the same frequency.

Even if the other party changes the frequency, you can change the frequency again.

If the opponent still attacks by changing the frequency persistently, select another type of cricket, bird’s voice.

I think it’s best to use it in 0.1 octave.

You can download it from the iPhone App Store.
It will be charged, but it is the most reduced I have tried so far.

Next, at bedtime, I wear a knit hat from a manufacturer called Mamodenpa, but I can reduce it the most.
And in everyday life, I fold a knit hat in half and put it on the top of my head, then put several layers of aluminum foil on it, and put a hat on it to reduce it.

If it attacks your eyes, you can reduce it with blue light glasses.

In addition, an electromagnetic wave protection sheet is attached to the entire ceiling to reduce the problem.

Please refer to it.