

I’m in grave danger of loosing my life tomorrow or Thursdays due to dehydration. This is the result of persistent food and water contamination. As a result, I’m limit to capturing my water sources from when it rains. If it does not rain for at least the third day, I’m in trouble. This is because I’m limit to the amount of water that I can take with me. I usually take 3 gallons of rain water with me, but I had to pick up some gas and groceries. So I took two gallons instead. I had left three bucket full of water at my camp site, but this water is no longer usable as these perpetrators infiltrate my water supply. So I had to throw it out. Also, I been getting increasingly more attacks prior to consuming over contamination (nano-cystaline (tech)) food. My water intake have to counter this situation, otherwise, the tech remains in my body for longer period of time.

At this point I rather just call it the day than to wake up to another agonizing attack. Sorry, but I don’t want to continue to live like this anymore.


PS: I last purchase food at an Eastern Blvd Dollar Tree store. The manager is Will. I have documented this store in the pass and can be read in previous posts.

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