Audio Journal for July/August 2015

This is a listen to call only. Individuals will be allowed to speak during the second half of the call. The second have of the call will not be moderated and recording will be concluded once the audio journal has been read.

If you are a TI, we encourage you to create a blog site and a journal entry each month. After each entry is completed during month’s end, we encourage you to host your own audio journal.

The purpose of creating a blog website with your journal entries and a hosted audio journal is to expose the crimes that is happening to you. By exposing the crimes that is happening to you, you are telling the world you will not suffer in silence.

I also recommend that TI write an AFFIDAVIT clarifying when your crimes started, who might be responsible, the methods of torture used against you, ect. The purpose for this action is to develop legal credibility.

With that said, please feel free to visit the GSS website at:

And thanks for taking the time to read this message.

Chris J. Brunson

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