Filing LLC greatly hampered by the targeting

Since March I have filed for an LLC with the NC Secretary Of State. Unfortunately, upon filing the LLC, I was informed that the office could not delivered to the address in the filings. The address in the filing is the same address that I use to receive my driver’s license, of which I provided proof.

This isn’t the first time they had someone in an office setup to deny me my right to file or process my application. Especially something that would allow to move forward with my life.

The infiltration of government employees is an ongoing problem for many TIs who are trying to help themselves. Only to be forced to spend more time and money to jump through huddles that everyone else takes for grant.

i have file for LLC all the way back in 1998. And it was so streamlined that I was able to do it with very little assistance. Fast forward today, I can’t even take the second step, which would be filing for an EIN with the IRS.

So using a third party company is necessary to fulfilling my dedication in moving forward in my life. It shouldn’t have to be this complicated, but it is because we are targeted individuals.

i have been in touch with the office that receives my mail. She has confirmed that my address should not be a factor in my filings. Because she has a similar client and they use this same address for their business filings.

So i would have pay somebody for something I did for free, just so I can start working against.

People! The system is structured to keep certain people down. While on the other hand, they like to claim certain people don’t want to work. We want to work, but you won’t let us work.

The system is antiquated. It is not adjusted to the way people work today. All this clarification is so old school.

It’s no wonder so many homeless people exist today. Because the system is structured to failure even those on the fringes.

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