10-2 I went out this day, so this day is more involved than usual. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my targeting, I can only go out when someone is going to be present for a certain period of time. So it can be weeks that I don’t see daylight. Anyway, the day is always confronted with people electronically stalking me. It happens on the street corners and near building entrances where people come out expectantly. It happens when I get to the train station where someone’s head is pin to their phone and hardly notices anyone around them. It is especially challenging in Mass Transit, which my future uploaded video will show. But it takes on a slightly different direction when I entered food stores, because it involves stocking re-conditioned items. Re-conditioned simple means the means to an end. Another way of saying it is that the technology (nano tech and other technologies) and agents (chemicals) are placed in the food to make the body (or target) more susceptible to more targeting with directed energy. This has always been the worse form of targeting, but the easiest to prove. So why aren’t our government agencies doing anything about it? Because there has been a stand down operation initiated for all these agencies to stay quiet. And they are told it is for the good for the nation, because the United States have to be the lead in the development of this technology. So the hell with the thousand of people who had their lives turn upside down.
10-3 Waking up at around 4:30a so that I can get an early bath before official morning arrives. As soon as I run the water, I hear the elevator. The targeting is always worse in the bathroom, because it is adjacent to an apartment and the technology/chemicals that they push through the pipes makes my body more susceptible to the directed energy attacks. When I get out the tub and leave the bathroom, the elevator is again heard. So these individuals are moving from one apartment to the next and are coming from outside the building. After 10 minutes everything becomes quiet again. This is my experience within 15 minutes of taking a bath!
10-5/6 After waking up from a late evening sleep, attacks could be felt on my chest as vibrations. Then my arms and hards. I had consumed a late snack, which consist of chocolate candy. On the 6th night, it included some prunes, which made me go to the bathroom. But the morning felt worse as I had this very tiredness feeling that didn’t want to go away. I believe it had everything to do with what I eaten. I did noticed nano crystalline in the chicken bread nuggets I purchased from a Gun Hill Road, Bronx Dollar General Store.
10-6 Constant attacks to the stomach than my right foot ankle. Some attacks were felt on my knees and my left and right temples. I eaten some cornbread, beans and sausage this day. I could taste the presence of nano crystalline in the cornbread. It is still there after 4 years. The cornbread box says 4-13 2012.
10-6/7 Constant attacks to my feet throughout the day into the next day. The attacks begin to come to a stop towards the mid-afternoon.
10-8/10 Pulsing of my nose, burning of my elbows and stinging of my eyebrows was felt through this period. When I eat the attacks begin in the stomach and are soon directed to my legs, arms and feet. Sometimes I can feel increase attacks to my head.
10-12 After eating the rice and noodle meal I became really tired. Attacks was immediately felt on my stomach and than my feet, legs, head, hand and other parts of my body. I had been outside around many people. And when this happens, they are able to program the various implanted devices in my body. When I eat, these devices become more active, because their are technologies in the food that make my body more active. I also noticed the technology more in the noodles that I purchased from Dollar Tree on Gun Hill Road in NYC.
10-12/13 Throughout the night in to the morning I had several incidences of an induced rapid heartbeat, stinging attacks of my feet, legs and head. Signal attacks to my head and elbows and continuous pulsing of my nose was also felt. Later on in the night I ate some Garlic with some Cytric concoction and that seem to help with reducing some of the attacks, which was being propelled from my stomach. Each time I got up, I felt like falling back asleep. So a sleep program was placed on me while I was outside amongst people.
10-16 After eating the second time, attacks was felt immediate above the eyes (eyebrows) as burning or stinging. Also attacks to the stomach, feet and hands was felt as directed energy.
10-17 Throughout the night into the morning, attacks consist of an induced elevated heartbeat, stomach, hands, legs, feet and head as directed energy. And continuous pulsing of my nose.
10-18 In the evening attacks were centered around the head, eyebrows, hands and arms in the form of directed energy, burning, signaling and muscle manipulation. From time to time it could be felt on my feet and toes.
10-18/19 Throughout the night into the morning attacks were felt on my stomach (which involved strong vibrations of electro-magnetic energy), legs and arms as if I was on top of a motor or engine of a high velocity automobile. This also included aggressive pulsing of my nose and burning and signaling of my eyebrows.
10-20 Similar to last night. Attacks was felt as mostly vibrations when I got up in the morning. It was centered around the arms and legs. Burning of eyebrows and continuous pulsing of nose was very common this period.
10-21 After consuming the food and liquid concoction notice attacks was felt in the stomach as directed energy, Than it was my finger joints, hand and feet as continuous signal pulsing, Later in the evening strong signal pulsing could be felt on my right and left temples and head over all.
10-22 After laying down, I immediately felt the noticeable pulsing of my nose. I had been hearing noise at different points of the floor. So they setup these devices in different areas of their celling so that when I sleep, they can manipulate the different implants that is in my body.
10-22 Right after going to sleep within an hour I was woken with a rapid heartbeat. It was really noticeable and I knew it had to do with the fact I had been drinking the lemon tea throughout the night. The lemon teas consist of boiled tap water, tea, citric acid and other eliments. When I was woken the second time, each time I risen my left leg calves, I felt induced muscular pain. I also noticed I felt extremely tired, so I was put into another controlled sleep. The third time, the attacks was directed to my right leg particularly my calves. The pain mirror the last leg. And when I got up, I immediately noticed the elevator moving throughout the floors. So their are different individuals accessing the apartment directly below me, as I did not hear anyone on this floor. This is pretty typical after getting up after laying in the same position for several hours. And I also noticed that my entire arms, hips and chest was shaking. But after a while of moving that stops. These types of attacks become more prevalent when I’m in an apartment versus if I was sleeping outside. So there is no real benefit of being in an apartment.
10-22/23 I went to sleep several times in the evening until I settle down during the early morning hours. I had not gotten much sleep the previous day. Each time I gotten up I felt the directed energy throughout my body. It was so strong that it made me feel more tired than I should feel. By the time the sun came out, I started the directed energy on my right foot. This prompted me to get. Noted also is the attacks to my nose in the form of pulsing was felt throughout this period, which included burning of my eyebrows.
10-23 As I came towards the elevator I felt a very strong pressure pulse on my right temple. Than I heard someone in the basement I was present at. Right where I felt this strong pressure pulse was a circuit box. It is also where the super of this building lives. And since no one else lives down in the basement, but him and his wife, it is pretty obvious that it is him. I had seen him the previous day and it makes sense that he was there when this happened. So if he is directly involved in targeting me specifically, it is clear to me why an entire network of people are place around me. It also is clear to me why the water pressure varies and temperature from the bathroom vs the kitchen. I have documented this several months ago in my blog.
10-23/24 Went to sleep just after 11p. I had taken a nap earlier, but I still felt tired. For several weeks it has been a pattern of attacking my nose in the form of pulsing. Although these attacks eventually subsided, they return again after the sun rises. But this period the attacks was centered around my chest as multiple signals and my feet. This is the result of consuming food and drink and than going out amongst individuals. When this happens, perpetrators of this program are able to program these smart dust technologies to specific points of my body. This is automatically program into these perpetrator devices before they are in my perimeter. In some respect, the targeted individual can see a perpetrator keying something into their phone as they are coming towards or passing you, And the various vehicles that pass you or stationary, I have video showing all of this. It is a well organized program around the smart dust nano technology that is pushed through the water system and placed in food in area supermarkets where the targeted individual lives. The method explained here is well know and had been explains in posts at least two years. So for the fact that the “PROTECTIVE” government pretend to not know is totally a BULLSHIT lie.
10-25/27 Each night attacks to the head, eyebrows and face will increase as directed energy, which feel like electrical current cover this whole part of my body. When I move, however, these sensation will stop until I settle back down in a standing position. You know about the energy coming from surrounding apartments with the building I’m currently in. But I have not mentioned that there is a court yard consisting of two buildings. The way I know how I’m being hit by the building across from me, is how my television reacts to the directed energy. When I move away from the television, the interference stops and continuous when I’m sitting in front of the television. The television is between me and the building, so the directed energy would have to go through the television to get to me. Also, I noticed someone moving around in their kitchen each night around this time. Their kitchen is directly across from my living room and provides a direct line of site. However, their building is slightly lower than mine, which is why the week I was here, I saw someone on the roof of the other building. So we are not only looking at the super (manager) of the building I’m in, but the supers (managers) of the two building adjacent to the courtyard. This is exactly what I’m dealing with 100 percent participation of all parties involved.
10-27 During the night into the morning at around 6a I heard the elevator going back and forth. This is usually someone coming into or out of the building, but it is also how the elevator was constructed to serve as a remote pulsing device for electro-magnetic activity. Shortly after this, included attacks was felt in the stomach and attacks to the feet as directed energy. The previous nights these same areas, I felt stinging and induced joint pain.
10-27 Induced sleep attacks to the toe and finger joints and head as directed energy. Several times I heard the presence of persons in the hallway outside my apartment. It was the apartment next to me and many incidences the individual was standing by the elevator. So the elevator never went down, but it did open after a while of the person getting back on. This happens all the time, because the individuals don’t live in the building. The program need lots of arms and legs for this activity. Right now, since about 1:00p, I’ve been constantly hearing the elevator going back and forth for about 30 minutes. There is no reason for this other than the elevator had been modified to pulse the directed energy as it goes through the floors. There is a certain knock that you hear when it goes through the floors. This can not happen without the super not knowing, as I already documented that he is directly involved. Maybe not the beginning, but after being here several months, anyone, even not so week would get involved. But when I sat on the steps for 5 minutes, he was talking to me. Anything goes if you are part of a government contract program that will cover you if the targeted individual complaints.
10-28/29 Both times this period I heard individuals talking in the hallway. It is one of the lady “tenant” who resides in front of me who I have documented coming out of here apartment text messaging on her cell phone after drinking something. And one of the males that resides as a “tenant” next door to me. I even noticed both doors on the side of me cracked. There are two other apartments besides mind and the lady’s apartment in front of me. So their is clear cooperation going on here between these parties. Constant sounds of the elevator going through the floors, which I have already documented being programed with directed energy devices. Understand that the methods of targeting gets worse when a target is in the same location for a long period of time. This is documented clearly in this journal.
10-29 Burning and than clogging of my ears, particularly clogging of my left hear. It feels like a lot of fluid in my ear, but it is a mixture of induced swelling and embedded technology that was remotely placed in my ear. The result is reduced hearing. Also attacks to my legs and arms as induced muscular pain, join pain and manipulation of the muscles with the directed energy. At certain periods I can feel attacks directed at the upper joints of my arms.
10-29 I had macaroni with fish and vegetable. The macaroni that I purchased from Gun Hill Road Dollar Tree had noticeable nano crystalline – smart dust in it. After consuming it, attacks to the stomach increased. Than attacks to the arms as induced muscular and joint pain was felt.
10-30 Soon as I was about to go to sleep I heard the sound of noise underneath me as if someone was placing devices underneath the floor. Than I immediately felt attacks to my nose in the form of pulsing. When I woke up and start moving around, I felt shakiness on both arms as if something was attacked to my upper arm joints. I have to also note that early yesterday, I felt burning on both elbows and manipulation of my upper joints. I also felt as if something was attached to my back. This was also felt as directed energy attacks to my back yesterday. So when I eat or drink anything that consist of the nano technology, they are able to remotely manipulated to control the muscles to a specific part of my body. And when I sleep, they are able to create the kind of vibrations that I experienced this morning. I did not hear the sounds of the elevator and it has been over an hour. Not a single person has come out of their apartment like yesterday and the day before. Often times when this happens, I can hear them standing near my door. I experienced nothing like this when I am outside, because I’m not enclosed anywhere and I’m in a opened space. The targeting is still there, but it is not as direct.
10-30 A steady induced rapid heartbeat each time I wake up gives me a very tiredness feeling of going back to sleep again. I forgot to record that last nice I noticed a burning sensation around my heart last night. It felt like pin surrounding my heart. That is the technology being program by the surrounding directed energy to create what was experienced today – an abnormal heart rhythm. This induce heart rhythm assist the perpetrators to do even more programing to the other parts of your body.
10-30/31 Throughout the night into the morning continuous attacks to the nose in the form of directed energy pulsing. They had placed the nano crystalline – smart dust in my nose and they were now accessing it with the technology. When I got up I felt some of the shakiness in my back and upper arm joints, They had placed the technology in these area of my body the previous days. Once I moved around, the attacks subsided. Note: I did not eat or drink the entire day of the 30th.
10-31 Since this month there has been numerous times when the buzzer was ring for the apartment I’m in, but no one was visiting me. This time after hearing the buzzer within 5 minutes, I heard someone entering the apartment right next to mine. There is no coincidence as this has happened more than 5 times this month. I believe this form of harassment is to let me know that outside people are entering the building, which I explain earlier on this website. The perpetrators will simply reenact the claim and show me that they don’t care. This is where a digital voice recorder would have been good, because it would show the time the buzzer was rung and the time that the perpetrator entered the apartment. It would also show how these people come out of their apartments, the time spent between the various perpetrators on the floor and the duration of quietness. This also includes the elevator and how it is remotely sent through the floors and the way it sounds, which has been modified for this purpose. There is no coincidence of total quietness for a period of time and than all in a sudden everyone got to go somewhere. What this is, is timing according to location, but instead of seeing it, I hear it. These individuals are being cycled through in my location as a communicate with the devices in the area and the GPS satellites. Because at this point the targeting begins to take a different form. For instance, more recently, every time my Aunt would leave, after 5 minutes of her absence, at least one perpetrator is heard in the hall. There is no coincidences. If it happens, it is plan that way and the people who are involved in this activity are knowingly engaging in this crime.
Summation: During this month attacks were concentrated on my ears in the form of popping, pulsing, clogging and burning sensations that affected hearing. Also typical attacks to the arms and legs as muscular pain, fingers-toe joints and head as directed energy, signaling and stinging was felt. There was a lot of modifications made to my environment, which included the elevator and how individuals stood around my door at different time.