Dear visitor,
Welcome to Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS). GSS was founded on January 1st 2010 for the purpose of documenting crimes that is happening to me.
These crimes included organized gang stalking, electronic abuse, remote mind control experiments and food/water contamination.
After living out of my van for close to two years, I have taken my concerns to the United States Congress. There response was non-existent.
My situation started on October 14, 2007. It involved being stop by the police of the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina. As a result of this stop, I went to the precinct to file a complaint. There was no procedure in filing complaints with the precinct so I had no other choice but to contact the commissioner, Mayor and the city councilmembers. Since this time, I have not received a response.
Instead of a response, my mail was tampered with and I was placed into a targeting system consisting of 24/7 organized gang stalking surveillance. Soonafter, I was inflicted with electro-magnetic weaponry.
This is still the case today.
With that said, the website was developed for evidential purposes and ask that you limit your comments. Please visit our sister website for those purposes and thanks for visiting Government Sponsored Stalking.