1-1 New Year: Laid down around 1:47a and immediately attacks was felt on the stomach in the form of directed energy and than the feet and legs in the form of stinging and burning sensations. When I got up, the attacks stop. I than ate some garlic and took some vitamin c’s. I waited 5 minutes before I laid back down and nothing similar occurred. I did get a strong pulsing to my nostril when I was woken at about 7a. Went back to sleep and was woken at 9a with an induced rapid heartbeat and increased attacks to the nostrils. Had I stayed up after 7a, I would have call this a good day. However, taking the vitamins and garlic did played a favorable role in circumventing the targeting.
1-1 Increased attacks to the head throughout the day in the form of directed energy. It felt like electrical current on my head. Later in the night these attacks also included stinging, which was at different points of my head. There was some stomach attacks, but I hate some garlic right before eat. Also noted was attacks to my toes in the form of stinging and directed energy attacks to the palms of my hands causing them to tense up at times.
1-2 1:15a After getting up several times, each time I would hear the elevator moving through the floors. There is no reason for this kind of activity at this time. The elevator has been modified to correspond to the targeting that I’m receiving as the attacks get worse after some time.
1-2 1:32a The water is barely warm in the bathroom, but is so hot in the kitchen that I can not put my hands underneath it.
1-3 Went to sleep around 2a, when I was woken I immediately noticed a strong burning and stinging sensation on my left foot. It was on the left side of my foot. So I stood up and than placed a zapper in this area. I than noticed an induced rapid heartbeat. It was around 7:45a. Than around 10a I was woken with an even more involved rapid heartbeat. This was compounded with shakiness like symptoms that was concentrated on my hips, arms, shoulders and hands. Other attacks include my eyes and nose, which directed energy.
1-3 5p After waking up from a nap I felt very hot and nauseated so later I decided to take another nap. Then attacks to the eyes was felt as directed energy on different parts of my pupil. When this occurred I experienced constant attack to my nostril and right foot in the form of pulsing. Earlier increased directed energy attacks occur to the stomach.
1-3 Went to sleep around 12:41a and was woken around 5a. I seen that my Aunt was up. This happens quite frequently and is unexplainable. Attacks was felt in my ears (particularly my right ear) as if a device was in it. I used some peroxide and that seem to help a little. My left ear is completely clogged and hearing through it is low. The inner swelled up, because, of the amount of technology that is in it. It has been several weeks in this condition and I would be surprise if the swelling goes down and my hearing is returned. Also attacks to my left feet, which I swelling bump. This is the area that the criminals of this organization is pulsing with directed energy. Attacks to the eyes in the form of needle like pulsing. They are programming and manipulating the technology in my eyes. Continuous attacks with pulsing directed energy above my nose. It feels like someone is pushing against it. I even see visual movement, which tell me that they are using a high degree of directed energy power to cause this affect.
1-3 In the Night after my Aunt came in around 7:30p I felt a strong signal concentrated on my right temple. Than the typical directed energy attacks that resembles electrical current on my head was felt. Than later I heard a loud bang in the bends as if something was inside of it.
1-4 Went to sleep around 12:41a. When I woke up (4:46a) I noticed that there was the present of technology in my right ear. Each time I placed the qtip in my ear it would react by going down. Than I placed lemon on the qtip and it did not react at all. This is what they have done while I was sleeping. This is why I was feeling the directed energy attacks concentrated on my stomach early in the night. The second time I got up I experienced an induced rapid heartbeat.
1-4 There is something in the area that is making it more possible to attack me. They had done something when I left out the other day. So now the signals are more stronger throughout the day. I had to pull out the items closes to me to see if they had put smart dust or a device in it. So this involve taking everything out of the items in question. I don’t know if this is going to fix the problem, but I did notice that when I put the bags on the other side of me, than the signals was now felt on this side. But that could be them playing up the attacks on me. Anyway, taking the items out and putting them in the same place did appear to improve my situation, but that remains in question.
1-5 Went to sleep around 1:32a. When I was woken, I had an induced rapid heartbeat. It was around 8:15a, which is later than I usually get up.
1-6 I took this entire day to work on my evidence videos. I had accumulated over 200 since my stay in New York City. Most of the video consist of rides on the subway, shopping and walking in different neighborhoods. Only few videos was done inside the building, but each one consist of the people who are involved. I do have a dvr camera system that works through the computer, but setting it up would involve running wires through the apartment and outside the door. This isn’t so easy when this is not your apartment. I thought about a remote and wireless system, but that can be interfere by the very same people I’m trying to monitor. But it would allow me to put the lens in a better position.
1-6 Since I have been working on my video evidence, it was no reason to keep the wireless connection active. This sudden new direction did work in my favor as the directed energy attacks was lower, particularly on my head, which has been on-going for a while.
1-6 Esteban Ruiz Santiago. Is a Targeted Individual who shot several people at a Fort Lauderdale Airport indiscriminatingly, which 5 people were killed. The media ran it that he was a lone gunman who had mental issues. But the message was clear to me that he was sending a message to the public that a terrible concern was happening in America. How do I know this? He was claiming to the FBI that he was getting Voice 2 skull and that he thought the CIA was after him. These are clear signs that he was trying to get help to trying to stop the attacks that was happening to him. Often times when you go to the government for help, they put you in the mental health system – completing ignoring the crimes at hand. I had a similar run in with the FBI, but fortunately, it did not result in a hospitalization, but it has happened to many Targeted Individuals.

Esteban Ruiz Santiago
1-7 Went to sleep around 12:38a. Each time I was woken, I had an induced rapid heartbeat. But after some time, attacks to my left leg was felt as directed energy and muscle manipulation around the knee area.
1-7 Constant attacks to the back of my head after waking up from a nap at around 6a. The attacks consist of burning and pulsing and was focused on different areas of my head. Earlier I had heard banging right underneath me, which is the apartment directly below me. They had install another device in the ceiling.
1-7 10p My left ear is totally swollen up after only several hours. So my hearing had significantly decreased after finally coming back a lot yesterday. This situation is brought on by the consumption of technology that is in the food. They simply take the technology from my stomach and place to other parts of my body (DNA). It is done remotely using the scalar waves technology produce by devices in surrounding apartments. Because nano technology is very small, it can not be detected in the food and liquids unless you have special equipment that can detect this kind of technology. The public does not have the detection equipment, but the perpetrators have it, because the government equipment them with these devices.
1-8 Went to sleep around 2:10a. Before I went to sleep I felt a burning sensation on my chest. When I went to sleep I was woken at around 4:40a with an induced rapid heartbeat. This was followed with continuous pulsing of my head. Than I into the other room. That is where I heard the elevator several times, which means that one of the person’s targeting me from the apartment below was leaving. They use different people at different times, while some of the same people are doing the targeting. These are the people that come from the outside.
1-8 Went to sleep around 5:33a and was woken around 9:26a with an induced rapid heartbeat. I could feel shakiness in my arms, back, hands and hips. When I went into the next room attack soon included my feet as directed energy.
1-9 Woke up around 6:17a. Soon after strong directed energy attacks was felt and heard on my stomach. This was followed by attacks to my feet and towards 7a a strong pulsing signal in my nostril. This was followed by multiple smaller pulses in the same area. Later the attacks was concentrated on my head after working on the computer for about 35 minutes. It felt like electrical current on my head and than the strong attacks to my stomach was felt and heard again.
1-10 Moved the wireless adapter to a new location and immediately noticed a significant decrease in the targeting. Than later I heard banging sounds coming from Apartment G, which is adjacent to the apartment I’m staying in Apartment A. From my own observation this individual (or several individuals) were in this apartment the time both me and aunt left. This allowed them to place items in the apartment that interface with the wireless router and to create a targeting point when the router was turned on. The directed energy is mostly felt on my head as if something was crawling it. At times it include strong pressure (pulsing) attacks. Although this occurred in the night, it never occurred in the morning. So something had been done while I was away. Also noted is his window is on the side of mine and I can feel the waves from from this direction. He is a relative of the supper and the owner, so he has access to pretty much anything in this building. That is just the way it is living in apartment building in New York City.

Perpetrator in adjacent apartment
1-10 I went downstairs to pick up some mail and when I got back upstairs I could hear one of my perpetrators opening her apartment door. As I was opening my apartment door, she just stood there as her child was running in the background. Her apartment is directly across from mine. She has been involve perpetrator activity and was often seen standing at her apartment door text messaging on her phone. She is in apartment D. I was able to capture video, but it was too dark. However, it records the moment she opens her apartment door and shows the door opened.
1-11 When I laid down directed energy attacks was immediately felt on my stomach. So I ate some garlic and took some vitamin c pills. That helped a little. Although I was laying down, I did not go to sleep right away. But I kept having the desire to go to sleep; symptoms of yawning was very apparent. I know this to be one of their sleep programs, which is what I seen a perpetrator kept going to on his phone a while ago when I was riding the train to Fayetteville. Each time he access the program, I had the effect of being tired and yawning. The menu on his phone showed an animated green frog who’s mouth would open and close constantly. These programs are design to interface with the implants in our body. The reason why they want me to sleep is that they are able to reach and program the implants to do different things a lot easier. Right before going to sleep, attacks was felt on my legs and feet. I had eaten hot cereal, which obviously contain the nano crystalline – smart dust in it. Went to sleep close to 1a. Throughout the night I had strong signal attacks around the toe joints, finger joints, arms (including elbow) and nose. When I was woken at 8a I had an induced rapid heartbeat. The attacks was also centered on the lower back.
1-11 Reset the time to my spy glasses to the previous day. Capture through spy glasses two foreign guys (most likely connected to the super) working in the hallway. Not a coincidence that I just came out earlier to throw the garbage out. Setup DVR system to monitor hallway from apartment door. No one has came out of their apartment for over 4 hours or since I got up around 8a. It is now 12:05p. A male and now female has come out of their apartment.
1-11 The directed energy targeting increased after these parties left from apartment 6B and the workmen. DVR and Spy glasses show this.
1-11 My DVR picked up the perpetrator female coming out of the apartment 6D than coming up to my door and quickly going inside her apartment. Than someone coming from the elevator and running into apartment 6C. To see if the footage was captured, it wasn’t. What was left was 2 second segments up to 1:14p. It is now about 3:30p. So I’m missing about 5 clips that I had before this woman perpetrator came by my apartment door.
1-11 My DVR did picked up the female perpetrator from apartment 6D. But to make sure I was going to get her this time I went out with my spy glasses. So there is footage of me leaving the apartment. She was on her way out and can be going into the elevator with the spy glasses. It is pretty obvious that she was covering for the “tenant” who lives in apartment 6C. I have footage of this individual from a long time ago when I first came to this building. These are the individuals who have been ring my buzzer from downstairs. I noted this sometime ago. It has already been determine that these individuals move in shifts and time intervals. So when one is about to leave, another one replaces that individual.
1-12 12:35p The water is cold throughout the building.
1-12 Noticeable deep line gashes across the lower, middle and upper part (hairline) of the neck. They are situated primarily back of the neck.

Showing directed energy damage to the neck
1-12/13 Went to sleep around 11:28p. I got up around 4:32a, because I could not sleep. I tried going back to sleep around 5:42a, but the pulsing attacks to the nostril became apparent. So I waited until about 7:07a to move to another area. There I went back to sleep, but before that happened, I put garlic in my nostrils. This seem to help, however, I began to sneeze until I could no longer do that anymore. At around 9a the nasal attacks began again, but this time I was well slept so I got up. Of course I no longer had any attacks as long as I was mobile. This is when I took the time to shave and cut my hair. I discovered nano technology residue all over my head and after the hair cut was completed, so was the directed energy attacks that I had been having on my head everyday. Keeping yourself well groom can help lower the directed energy attacks significantly.
1-13 Every package is opened before I get it. This can be seen a strip of clear across it with the sticky smalls strips pulled up.
1-13 The bathroom water got hot after running it for about 30 minutes. This was around 1:30p. But around 5p. the water was cold and running it did not result in an improvement in temperature. This is a daily occurrence and it is not uncommon for the water to be like this for a longer period of time. But it is typical for the water to be loop warm unless the heating system is on for a certain period of time. The heating system shouldn’t dictate if the water should be hot, but does in this building. This is not something that just happens, it is by design, as the hot water changes the way they can target me with the directed energy weapons.
1-13 As I was going downstairs I heard the perpetrator from the adjacent apartment G so I went back up stairs. My video was on during this period. He was coming out of his apartment. After recording this sequence I went back down stairs to pick up my mail. From the time I was down stairs not once did see him come off the elevator. What you need to understand is that they go from one apartment to the next and believe his apartment is another floor.
1-13 Induced thirstiness, which result in an individuals to drink large amount of fluids, because they never feel like they ever quench their thirst. This happens often even though this is the first time I’m listed in the journal. Note: the liquids that I drink contain large about of nano technology. Nano technology makes my body susceptible for the specific directed energy attacks that I received everyday.
1-14 Went to sleep around 1:43a. When I was woken around 5:30a I first noticed the false loop dream (which happens everyday), induced rapid heartbeat, directed energy pulsing attacks to the knees and shakiness of the arms and hands after standing up. Soonafter I heard the elevator. When this happens one of the outside perpetrator is leaving one of the adjacent apartment. So there is constant flow of new people coming into the building. The camera system that exist in this building is just a cover for the criminal activity that exist against me.
1-15 Daughter comes out of apartment 6D after I came out of my apartment several times. At first she was heading to the elevator, but than she went back inside her apartment. She never attended to come out of her apartment except to hit me with device that was concealed on her persons. I was able to capture this event as my spy glasses was running at this time. I purposely bring my spy glasses when ever I throw out the garbage.
1-15 Continuous attacks to my stomach in the form of directed energy, which produced bloating and gas.
1-16 Went to sleep around 2:01a and was woken around 8a. I first felt directed energy on my fingers of my right hand. Than I could feel a slight induced rapid heart beat. When I stood up I could feel the upper half of my chest shaking.
1-16/17 Was sick today so I went to sleep earlier, but got up multiple times. The first time the attacks were concentrated on my eyebrows. Then the other times after that, they were induced rapid heartbeat. Each time it was more involved than the last one. Towards the morning around 5:30a strong pulsing was felt on my nostril. Meanwhile, attacks to the stomach in the form of directed energy throughout this period.
1-17/18 Went to sleep around 11p. Throughout the night I experienced strong stinging sensations on the feet and arms. Than an induced rapid heartbeat, which lasted until I stood up and walked to another room. The next time I was woken the attacks was concentrated in my nasal, which later included pulsing and directed energy attacks when I made myself to the other room of this apartment.
1-18 4p Heard a loud popping sound from the window of the perpetrator that lived in the next door apartment. Just earlier I had received a phone call from a TI on my GSS line. I did not accept the call, but instead sent a text message giving instructions. I’m very familiar on how they can pipe through a cell phone carrier using someone’s else’s line, or the perpetrator who calls you for the purpose of establishing a link between you and the implants in your body.
1-18 7p Shortly after my Aunt came into the apartment, I first noticed attacks to the head, which feels like electrical current. Then attacks to my legs followed. My Aunt has a smart phone. They are linking to her phone to establish a link to my body.
1-18 8:23p Heard a very loud popping sound on the floor board, which is connected to the ceiling from apartment 5A. This is where the affects of the energy being directed to my head is coming from. When I went into the shower room the water was close to hot. This was an immediate decision on my part. When I got into the bathtub, the water immediately start getting colder. Note that the hot water changes the composition of the attacks so that is why there is so much emphasis in changing the temperature of the water. But the cold water does the same thing and have thought about taking cold baths as well.
1-18/19 Went to sleep around 11;10p. When I was woken around 4:37a I had an induced rapid heartbeat and several strong pulsing in my left nostril. When I stood up, these attacks stopped immediately. Later I noticed they had place the nano technology in my right ear. What prompted me to check it was the induced burning and itching sensations that I felt in it. Every time I would place a qtip in it, it would retract. This explains the popping sounds I hear throughout the day.
1-19 8p Package was opened and resealed. The product end up dripping out into the package.
1-20 Increased attacks to the head at around 12p. It felt like current was going through it.
1-21 Went to sleep around 1a and got up around 5:30a. Induced dreams and memory retraction was evident this period although it happens everyday. I then worked on some evidence clips that I took when traveling. Then I went back to sleep around 9:45a. When I was woken around 12:33p I felt signal attacks directed to my right foot toes and burning sensations on my ears. These attacks cause my ears to swell up to the point of becoming untouchable.
1-22 Went to sleep shortly before 2a. I could feel strong vibrations through the floor that affected my legs and torso the most. When I went to sleep and was woken and stand up, I could feel the directed energy directed at my up;per arms and shoulders. The day earlier they were attacking this part of my body with the weapons and the attacks felt like induced muscular pain. When I went to sleep the second time (around 5:30a) and was woken around 7a, attacks was concentrated on my heart, which was increased in a steady and rapid rate, feet, legs, hands, shoulders, arms, nostrils and other parts of my body that I can not identified at the moment.
1-22 Went into the bathroom to take a bath and the water was very hot. It had not been hot like this since July. Occasionally, it might get hot water for short periods, but quickly get cold when I get into the tub. This time it was really hot throughout the time I was taking my bath. So the duration of the bath was shorter, because I can heat my body to the point that I no longer want to be in the bathtub. This is common sense to any landlord who want to encourage tenants to save water. But when the water is always loop warm and gets hotter the longer you run it, it explains why more water is needed to take the same bath. But this isn’t just a landlord being cheap. It has been designed by the engineers of the targeting as 1) an intimidation tool and 2) the biology of how they targeting you (a) discourage you from taking a bath (b) moderating the temperature if you take a bath.
1-22 Strong popping sound was heard from Apartment 6G window, which faces me from the side. The result of this was immediate attacks to the head in the form of directed energy. Later this was followed by quarter size directed energy to the back right and than back. It is now 8:30a.
1-22 Went downstairs to pick up some mail. I received three envelops. The first two was to my Aunt. But the second envelop was to Angel Vicioso from the next door apartment 6B. It was from the Church of Scientology New York. Their offices are 227 West 46th Street, New York, NY 10036. I’ve been notified a while back that this is a CULT organization, but at this time I have not determine that, but maybe someone can educate me.
1-22 Update to ASSOCIATIONS and CULT CONNECTIONS: Church of Scientology New York. The letter with the LOGO on the top reads like this: 18-Jan-17 “Hi Angel, next two lines…. I see you did a lot of the book courses here at the org. That’s great. What did you get out of them? next three lines…. Best, Trevor …. and the very bottom of this stationary is the contact information > 227 West 46th Street New York, New York 10036 . (212) 921-1210 .
1-22 Now that Barack (IRAQ) Obama (Osamba) is gone, we (the Targeted Individual community) have nothing to show for the 8 years that he has been in office. All we have is that we put a Black (Bi-racial) Man in office. But for TI who took time to campaign for him and write letters seeking his assistance, we lost more than if we did nothing at all. With his tenure behind us, we have an even bigger uphill battle to climb, as Donald Trump has already showed his disdain for the poor by overturning some of Obama’s Legislation. With that said, once we realized that the power is in our hands, we would be able to correct the wrong that is being done to us. The focus must be eating healthier foods and developing counter-measures that will make our bodies in-tuned to nature. Once we become less reliant on the things that affect our ability to live normal life, we will prevail.
1-22 After using the Essential Oil treatment attacks to my right ear became more obvious. The attacks of my right ear was so bad that it swelled up to the point I could not put a qtip in it. The had put the nano crystalline – smart dust in these Essential Oil before I received them. This happens to every single item before I receive it and it does not matter where I might be receiving these items: Bronx NYC, Long Island, Fayetteville NC, ect. The criminal organization spans the entire planet and these mail carrier just goes along with the program.
1-22/23 Went to sleep earlier than I usually do. Besides the constant attacks to my ears throughout the day, attacks were felt on my arm. Than as I laid down I could feel the vibrations of the directed energy as I lay on the floor, When I was woken around 2:30a I felt shakiness on my arms. They had been hitting the top joints of both of my arms throughout the day. Then just before I went back to sleep around 4:40a pulsing attacks to the nostril was felt. So I placed garlic in both nostrils and the pulsing attacks were gone. However, the garlic makes me sneeze so going back to sleep is more difficult. The attacks than revert to my stomach, which became especially strong. When I was woken around 8:30a I experienced an induced rapid heartbeat and strong spasms to the right arm.
1-23 When I sat down at my table to work on the computer, the attacks were not noticeable. Than after hearing the device being placed in the window of apartment 6G the directed energy attacks could first be felt on the head. But it later included quarter size attacks to my back. It is now after 9:30a.
1-23/24 Went to sleep around 9:30p and was woken several times (11:15p, 1:00a, 5:30a, 7:00a and 9:30a). The first two times I had the systems leading to an induced rapid heartbeat, which included body vibrations. Each time I was woken the systems were more aggressive, leading me to understand that they were leading up to something. When I stayed up for about 2 hours between 1a and 5:30a the third time I was woken I did not have the above symptoms. However, those symptoms were brought back at 7a and 9:30a. Note each time I was feeling as if I had not slept for 2 days, but I slept for 8 hours in between. Another thing was the pulsing of my nose which happened when I would just go to sleep. So I place garlic in both nostrils and that stop those attacks. However, pulsing of my nostrils each time I was woken and directed energy attack to my stomach, legs and arms was present during this period as well.
1-24 Throughout the day attacks could be felt on the head as directed energy. It felt like electrical current hitting this area of my body. And quarter size directed energy on different parts of my back. Later it included pulsing to my back, shoulders and upper arm joints. At times I will hear popping sounds coming from Apartment G’s window. Later attacks increased to the stomach and directed energy attacks to the knees became continuous in the evening.
1-24/25 When I finally settle down the attacks could be feel as vibrations and the directed energy attacks to the right knee continued for about 30 minutes. Each time I moved my legs it would stop and when I stop it would continue. But it was exactly the same feeling of energy as the room I left from. I finally went to sleep around 11:35p, but I was woken around 4:30a. I experienced an induced rapid heartbeat and when I stood up to go to the bathroom I could feel the energy in my arms and shoulders as if technology was embedded in these parts of my body. When I laid back down, I felt a strong energy going through my nostrils. Then I noticed small incisions on my nose. When I went back to sleep and was woken around 7:40a. I had an induced rapid heartbeat, but it wasn’t as aggressive as last time.
1-25 After waking up I went straight to the front door because I had heard the elevator open. It was an older lady pulling a big black luggage inside Apartment D. They have been different people going into this apartment. After some time attacks to the head as directed energy was felt. It was continuous.
1-25 I ate the Uncle Ben’s White Rice and Hunts Ketchup that my Aunt brought some months earlier and it had noticeable nano crystalline in it. The attacks started with an induced sleep, which when I was woken, I had a very strong induced rapid heartbeat. Than I went into the bathtub. That is when constant pulsing of my right foot was felt. Earlier while running the water I heard the flow decreased than it start gushing out at a rapid rate. So that might have contributed to the right foot attacks.
1-25/26 In the evening signal attack was felt on both of my knees, but in sessions. This happened for several hours until I made it to the back. Other attacks was of course to the stomach as this is the repository for attacks to the rest of the body. When I made it to the back, the attacks continued to my knees, but eventually ended up on my elbow, hands, and the continued pulsing that I was getting to my right foot did not stop. When I went to sleep around 4:20a after laying down for several hours, I had an induced rapid heartbeat similar to the one I had earlier. But this time it included my right had as directed energy.
1-26 My attacks are associate with what I put into my body and much technology is in my body. I’m feeling a lot better than I did yesterday and will not be consuming anything today (Food and Liquid).
1-26 2:45p Strong directed energy sensations to the top of my right hand after being woken from a short nap. But just before sleeping I felt directed energy and pulsing attacks to head.
1-26 I went to sleep early, but got up before midnight. I experienced an induced rapid heartbeat and when I stood up, shakiness. But because I did not consume anything like I did the previous day, it was no where as intensive.
1-26/27 I worked on my computer to about 2:30a and went back to sleep. I woke up with hardly any symptoms until later. The symptoms increase at the point when I activate the wireless connection, but it is not immediate it may be as far as an hour. Traditionally the attacks are concentrated on the head until I eat something that contains the nano crystalline – smart dust technology and it shifts to the stomach. Than the attacks are migrated to different parts of my body.
1-27 Before 12p. Early in the morning I had an Apple, Bananas and than Ice Cream. I did not noticed anything unusual. Than I had some bread sticks my aunt left in the refrigerator. It had been their a few days. When I first ate it, everything seem ok. until I ate the last one and I could taste the noticeable nano crystalline – smart dust. I wish I knew where she brought these so I can hold the person or persons responsible. The contamination of food is not across the board as many targeted individuals are lead to believe. They have to code these particles specifically to your biology. So it takes coordination and organization to accomplish this. Maybe at a time the business was free of this criminal organization, but overtime if the subject had been in that business several times, it would be infiltrated. With me, it is the second visit, someone else it might be as much as 5 visits to the same location. Anyway, upon eating this item strong directed energy was concentrated on the right side of my head closes to my ear. Than my temple. During this time I heard several individuals coming out of their apartment, appearing to be standing near my apartment door. So I consumed some garlic and apple cider vinegar and did some exercises to give the above ingredients to work it way through my digestive system.
1-27 The attacks to the right side of my head was still felt into the evening. It eventually included attacks to my knees with directed energy and did not stop after moving to the next room. However, attacks to the heads stopped.
1-27/28 Attacks to the knees lasted for a couple of hours, after a while it stop. When I finally went to sleep and was woken around 5:30a attacks to the right hand was felt. It felt like I had been laying on it and the circulation was cut off. But I was sleeping on the reverse side. So the perpetrators of this technology had manipulated the technology from my stomach to my right hand, which they were than manipulating it with the directed energy. After this attack subsided, directed energy attacks to the stomach was felt. This created gas and bloated as what was happening last night before I felt asleep. The next thing I know a constant pulsing of my right foot was felt. They had reactivated the technology that they placed on my right foot from a few days ago. As long as I did not move my foot the pulsing signal was felt.
1-28 9a Noticeable attacks to the head in the form of directed energy, which is typical what happens once I move to my computer. It feels like electrical current going through my head – a sensation of something crawling on it. The signal is coming from Apartment G as it is line of sight to my position.
1-28 2p The water is cold in the entire apartment (Kitchen and Bathroom).
1-29 This was a busy day, because I was move out of one storage room to another. While walking the targeting was not present, but soon as I went inside the Uhaul Rental Office, the directed energy was directed at my feet. It was around 10:45a and the line waiting for service was fairly crowded. I went straight to the bathroom. When I came out, the line became extremely crowded. This is to keep in this location for a considerable amount of time. But my Aunt was the primary person involved in this transaction, so I did not have to wait online. But I did need to sign off on her transaction, because I was the driver. Because of the nature of my targeting and how it associates with the amount of individuals present at a location, It was made sense to run an errand and than to comeback once my Aunt had reached the front of the line. And that is exactly what happened. Also the typical perpetrator tapping on their cell phone, which allows them to coordinate and program implants in my body. After the truck was rented, our next stop was the Storage room. I had been to this storage room before. When I got there, there was someone already moving out. And later I noticed a woman perpetrator working inside her room. I had seen her earlier just entering the area as I was driving in. This is typical what I deal with when they know where I’m going to be at. So it is important to the criminal organization to always have these individuals around me so they can tap into their cell phones to manipulate the implants in my body. After leaving the storage room and driving for a short time, I immediately noticed that someone had been in the vehicle as the signals were present to different parts of my body. This happened as long as vehicles were in my vicinity. This was not present when I first drove the vehicle and after moving in the second storage. I also noticed that the door was not closed all the way. Because the floor I was moving from was not the on the same floor, this gave the perpetrators on the floor unlimited access to the vehicle when I wasn’t on the floor. Certain attacks included pulsing of the temple, directed energy on the face and head, stinging of the thighs and feet, etc.
1-29 19:10 Aldis Store #19 1750 East Gun Hill Road, Suite B, Bronx, NY 10469. Drive into this business, because my Aunt had rented a truck for a storage move earlier. Of course when I got into the store, the typical perpetrators and the use of cell phone for electronic stalking purposes. Anyway, I purchased 16oz We Noodles, Granola Cereals, Trail Mix, Peanuts, Black Beans, Thin Pork Chops, Pinto Beans, Empire Apples, Pink Salmon, Mcintosh Apples, Yellow Onions, Shortbread Cookies, 10# Long Grain Rice, Valentine Kisses, HBBQ Chicken Wings, Piostachios, EFGB or Prince, Naval Oranges, Great Northern Beans, Frozen Sweet Peas, Honey Nut Oats, Maple Cream Cookies, Value Pk Til Fil, Steam Pea or Corn, Elbow Macaroni, Cheese Curls, Edamame/Mukimame, Stm Baby Brussels, Honey BBQ Stripes, Baby Carrots, Chunk Tuna, Pure Olive Oil, Whole Chicken, Round White Potatoes, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Wild Caught Salmon, Angel Hair Spaghett and Honey. As I was shopping, from time to time perpetrator would surround me as if they were interested in getting something. When I got to the line, I asked the sale’s clerk (who just open the line before I got on – which is a program by the way) who was the manager. She told me it was Eli. He was a man. But when I first went into this establishment some months ago when I first arrive to the New York area, it was a female saying she is Eli. Anyway, by the time I left the store, I had spent over $140, because I could now really lug the food.
1-29 20:06 Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. Store #5348 1750 Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10469-6011. Phone: 718-671-2022. Manager: Liz. Purchased (Food Items only): Chicken Nuggets, Tenders, TJ Farms Vegetables, Shoestring Fries, 100 Grand 6pk 4.5oz, Butterfinger, Snicker Fun Size, Circus Peanuts 7oz., Popping Candy 3pk. Lollipops, Chewy Fruit Candy and Double Crisp Heart. When I got on the line, only one person was in front of me. But after crowd of people formed behind me. Each person represent a FUNCTION on how their cell phones are program to interact with the implants in my body.
1-29/30 After settling down, the attacks to the body was mild in comparison compare to what later happened to me. It was constant pulsing directed energy to the heal and side of my right foot and crawling sensations to the head, forehead and eyebrows. I went to sleep with these symptoms. Note I had not eaten or drink for over two days. I had went to Aldis before I came back to the apartment, so I had food that would last for over two months. Anyway, when I woke up I had Southern Grove Pistachios Roasted with Sea Salt and Apples and Oranges. But I also drank some lemon tea water that I made before I left several hours. This is what lead to strong spasm attacks to both my left and right legs. I could hear their equipment from Apartment G. Because of the intensity of the attacks I could not move my legs, because moving them would produce even more pain. As I was rubbing my leg down, I noticed the muscles was being manipulated with such force that I did not think I would ever come out of this. But I had some vitamin C, Magnesium and Garlic around, which I consumed. And just as these attacks came upon me, they were gone just as fast. That’s because the attacks are being propel from the stomach to the other parts of the body. It is where the technology first enters the body. If I had not eaten or drink the lemon tea, the attacks would have decreased from the point that it was the day before. Because the reserve would have been too low to maintain the same level of the attacks. Also important is that I was in close proximity to the perpetrators and this gave them direct signature to my body. So they were able to program these implants with great accuracy. But there wasn’t enough to produce the kind of attacks I just, because 1) I had not eaten or drink for two days, so the reserve was low and 2) it was not night fall where attacks are generally worse. And 3) the most important thing is the weapons is not just a cell phone, but a pulsing devices that produce very strong waves. And to add the fact that they are in surrounding apartments makes sense why the targeting would be MUCH worse.
1-30/31 I went to sleep earlier than usual. Got up around 8:07a and the attacks was concentrated on my back in the form of shakiness. I also experienced an induced rapid heartbeat several times of the night as well as pulsing attacks to the nostrils. This also included a tiredness feeling although I had slept many more hours than usual.
1-31 Signal attacks to my back was felt throughout the day and towards the evening attacks became the head and knees after hearing two guys talking in the hallway. This happened soon after taking out the garbage. So their is a transmitter in the hallway that they control. I went into exercise mode which diverted the attacks. The exercises is also to deal with the excessive weight gain brought about the perpetrator using the technology on me: 1) creating a shut-in situation, 2) Induced huger and over-eating and 3) how the technology manipulates how food and liquid is removed from the body. So not only does exercise diverts the attacks, it also motivates the removal of technology that is motivating weight gain.
1-31/2-1 I eventually venture into the room where I sleep. Immediately attacks was felt on the stomach. Than the attacks became concentrated on my legs and specifically below the knee cap. I took some vitamin “C”, Magnesium and raw garlic cloves, which quiet it down. After going to sleep around 12:30a and being woken at 4a and than around 6:51a attacks was concentrated on my nostrils. But after being up for sometime in the same location, stinging attacks to my legs was felt. As I was coming towards the front of the apartment, I heard one of the “tenants” going to their apartment. They were coming from apartment G to Apartment B. Then shortly later I heard a lot of movement in the hallway. The lady from apartment C came out with her baby. Apartment D lady came out with her children and Apartment B young male ran out.
Summation: This month started with attacks to the Ears, which greatly affect the hearing especially in the left ear. Than the attacks became concentrated to the Head the entire day, but usually restricted to the evenings. Why was this happening? Well, this start occurring around the time I would hear the pulsing device in apartment G window. Further, this became the month that I was able to get the name of the “tenant” in the next door apartment and video footage of my “neighbors”. Also, intensive documentation was focus on how they operate around me is now known. Later towards the month, what started out as quarter size DEW attacks is now signal attacks and body vibrations concentrated on my back.
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